Youthful Relations (3)

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"So, why did you ask us to come with you again?" Irene asked as she, Jennie, and Rosé walked into the bar Sehun owns. "You know, my Seulbear is not going to like this."

"Right?" Rosé joined. "We are literally risking our marriage for you, Jen. At least tell us what's going on."

"It's Jisoo," Jennie sighed and before she could continue, Rosé cut her off with a loud gasp.

"Don't tell me she's cheating on you?!?"

Irene gasped as well and threw a shocked glance at Jennie. "Really?! That dumb Pikachu!! Is she meeting her chick in here?!"

"What?! No! Guys, calm down!!" Jennie yelled at them to stop. She grabbed Irene to keep her from storming into the bar and scaring the shit out of everyone. "She's not cheating!!! Why would you guys even think that?!"

"Well, I'm sorry," Irene responded, less agitated. "I mean, you brought us to a bar and all.."

"It's Sehun's bar. We're going to meet him inside."

The girls faces were once again, painted with surprise and utter disbelief.

"Kim Jennie," Rosé called her nervously. "We pushed you into that lunch date with Sehun but we did not expect you to actually go this far!!!"

"Right!! How could you cheat on our precious Pikachu?!"

"Oh my gosh, can you please get your minds off cheating?!!" Jennie had to press on her nose bridge to calm herself down. "I would never do that to my wife!!"

"Is everything alright?" Right on time to keep things under control, Sehun arrived.






"What are you planning to do now?" Irene asked once they were back into the comfort of Jennie's home.

Jennie had explained everything to them.. how she asked Sehun for a rare action figure in return for her modeling gig.. how she ended up getting drunk after a few shots.. how Jisoo had magically changed overnight.. and how she had gone completely clueless of what to do next.

"Maybe you should talk to her?" Rosé suggested with a shrug. "She might have gotten the wrong idea when Sehun brought you home. At least try to explain."

"Yeah," Irene agreed, "I'm sure she'll understand. I mean, your wife is not a... nevermind. I'm sure she'll understand."

Jennie chuckled as she was reminded of how childish Jisoo is. It has only been a few hours since she was gone and yet Jennie has already missed her more than even possible. It was crazy how deep the lawful brunette has fallen for a person of mischief.

'This is dangerous,' she thought to herself. 'Couples are supposed to strengthen each other. But instead, you have made me completely incapable without you, Jichu.'


"Where's your boss?" Lisa, still in her hoodie and jogger pants, waltzed into Jisoo's company and went straight to her secretary.

"I-In he-her office, m-ma'am." She was terrified. Sure, she has met Lisa before, but the person in front of her was full of contrast. She was wearing her casual, playful clothes but her tone was demanding, much like her CEO self. Consequently, the secretary had no idea how to address her but she went with the safest choice.

"Right," Lisa breathed out. She was about to march in and invade the Pikachu palace when a panting Seulgi came running to her.

"Hey," Seulgi took a pause to control her breaths. "You received the SOS?"

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