you watch the vampire diaries together

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Heyyyyy it has been awhile sorrrryyyyy i am sorry if you dont watch the Vampire Diaries but it is awesome I also thought  but two friends of me said that it is super fun and I watched and now I cant stop.


Harry. You and Harry where watching the vampire diaries or at least you. Harry didn't understand a thing of it."OMG!!!!!!"you yelled." What'' Harry yelled." Elena and Damon kissed that is so cute omg I love Damon his smirk" you said." I am hotter than him" Harry said and kissed you.

Liam. "Liam" you asked.'' yes Love'' Liam said.''why is Ian Somerhalder so hot'' you asked.'' who is that'' Liam asked.'' who is that Liam aren't you paying attention to the Vampire Diaries Ian is Damon he is so cute'' you said.'' ohh.. him I find him more creepy than hot but I bet that I beat him with my hotness'' Liam said. Liam stood up and walked to the kitchen. you just laughed very hard.

Louis.'' I wanna be like Alaric Saltzman '' you said.'' how can you even say that Tyler Lockwood is much better'' Louis said.'' so you wanna turn every full moon with alot of pain no than I rather be a vampire like Katherine'' you said. " werewolfs are better'' Louis said.'' keep thinking that  Lou'' you said and gave him  a kiss.

Niall. Niall and you both watched the Vampire Diaries.'' I wanna be a vampire'' Niall said.'' yeah me too so that I can stay with you forever'' you said.'' I know right I wanna be like Damon but also as Stefan you'' Niall said.'' like Katherine Pierce she is awesome'' you said.'' I love you so much (y/n)'' Niall said.'' I love you too Ni'' you said.

Zayn. Zayn was crazy about the vampire diaries and twilight like all vampire stuff.'' Zayn why are you so crazy about vampires'' you asked him.'' cuz I like being the eternal stud and getting old'' Zayn said.'' omg that is what Damon said Zayn you really are Vain just like Damon and his corky smirk'' you said.'' but you love it and you love me right and by the way if I was a vampire I would give you my blood and kill you so that you can be a vampire with me and we will stay young forever'' Zayn.'' yeah, yeah I love you and that would be awesome actually'' you said.

sorry is this sucked but I like it love ya all xxxxx

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