you're his sibling

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Hola people I am sooooooo happy I have  more than 300 reads wow I love you guys♡xxx

Harry. Age 17

Harry had been gone for the where we are tour and you where on school just hoping Harry would show up and free you fron the hell hole called school."so where is you're brother oh yeah thats right he left you" a girl said. It was Sadi the bitch of the school ( sorry if you're name is Sadi)."just leave me alone" you said softly. Sadi pushed you on the ground." For someone who is 17 you are quite small I thought you were 10 years" Sadi said. Sadi kicked you against your side and left with her friends. Finally school was over you walked home. You had tears stream down your face. You opened the door and it was dark." Surprise.... omg (y/n) what happened" someone said. The light  went on and you saw Harry standing there. You run to Harry and gave him a hug and cry against his shoulder." I just dont wanna go back to school" you said. Harry's arms tightened around you and you squealed in pain. Harry put your shirt up a bit revealing the bruises Sadi left." We are gonna go to her house right now and I am gonna give her some whats on my mind nobodys hurts my little sister" Harry said and gave you a kiss on your forehead.

Liam. Age 16

You where visiting Liam and meeting his girlfriend Danielle(I know he is dating Sophia but screw it it is an imagine). " Dani I want you to meet (y/n) my little sister (y/n) this is Danielle my girlfriend" Liam said." Nice to meet you" Dani said." Yeah nice to meet you too" you said not sounding convincing. Liam grabbed your arm and pulled you in the kitchen." Can you please act like you like her" Liam said. " it is not that I don't like her it is just I am happy for you" You said. Liam looked at you and knew what was going on." You will find someone yourself sweetheart don't worry and I heard that Niall is interested" Liam said winking. You gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and walked back in the room with a book the book with baby pictures of Liam.

Louis. Age 16

" Louis please" you whined." I said no(y/n)" Louis said. You and Louis where discussing about the fact yoi where dating Josh Devine and Louis didn't want that." You can't really prevent me from not seeing Josh and why can't I date him I love him" you said." Sweetie you don't know what love is" Louis said." You know what Louis screw it I am going out with Josh if you want it or not so f*ck you Louis" you yelled." Oi I wont tolerate that kind of language in my house missy" Louis Yelled at you and got up from the couch. You run up the stairs into your room. Louis bounced against the door."(y/n) open up now" Louis yelled."what is the password" You said." I am gonna give you three seconds to open this door or I open it myself" Louis yelled." Sorry that isn't it it was I am gonna date Josh if you want it or not" You said." Okay I give up please open the door so we can have a properly conversation face to face not face door face" Louis said. I had to laugh at his comment I slowly opened the door. Louis came in and grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a hug." You do know that I am just doing this to protect you sweetie I don't want anything to happen to you but if this is what you want than I hope he treets you well but if he hurts you he is a dead man" Louis said.

Niall. Age 6

" mummy when is Niall gonna come home" you asked. " I don't know sweetie" Your mum said scooping you of the ground. The bell rang and you jumped out the arms of your mother and run to the door thinking it was Niall but it was Liam." Uncle Liam" you said." Hey little one" Liam said scooping you of the ground." Where is Nialler" you asked." I don't know love but I came here to visit you" Liam said walking inside." Oh hey Liam" you mother said." Hey mrs. Horan." Liam said." Liam you know it just call me Maura" Maura said." Liam I miss my leprechaun" You said and started to cry." She has been like this all day crying and talking about Niall" Maura said." I take her to her bedroom and sing to her maybe she will fall to sleep" liam said. Maura mouthed Liam a thank you. Liam carried you upstairs and placed you in bed he sat next to you and sang Little things to you. You fall asleep same as Liam. The door opened and someone walked in the room waking You and Liam up. You opened your eyes and saw Niall you jumped up and jumped in his arms." Did you sleep well I heard that you missed me" Niall. You nodded and cuddled with Niall.

Zayn. Age 13

You lived with Zayn and Perrie. You loved Perrie." Perrie can I ask you sonething" you asked." Sure" Perrie said. Zayn was in the kitchen." What is love" you asked." Why asking" Perrie asked."well see I like this boy in my class and he likes me too and yesterday he gave Me a little kiss" you said. "Aww that is so cute" Perrie said."(y/n) you are to young to date I don't want you near that boy again" Zayn said. You looked down at the ground." Zayn come on they are not dating they are young we where young too remember" Perrie said."yeah 16 not 13 Perrie" Zayn said." Okay nevermind I know the answer bye" you said and walked to your roon where you cried. Than there was a faint knock on the door." Can I come in" Zayn said." I don't care" you said." Look darling I dont want you getting hurt that is the last thing I want I don't wanna lose you do you understand that" Zayn said. You nodded. Zayn walked over to you and gave you a hug." Perrie said that there isn't much I can do about it it is love" Zayn said. You giggled.

Is it good sorry that some are better than others love you guys xxxx♥

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