you don't think you fit with him Louis

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"hey Louis how come that you fall in love with an ordinary girl if you could get any girl you want I am not special or something" you asked Louis. Louis looked at you confused. " why would you ask that I already told you that I love it doesn't matter if you are an ordinary girl or super rich I love you and only you" Louis said." but why asking is there something wrong than(y/n)" Louis asked to you." well I spoke too your ex girlfriend Eleanor( I have nothing against Eleanor she is a great girl and I love her but i needed some drama) and she told me that you where happier with her than you are with me and I see that you are diffrent good I guess but still you where diffrent with El" you said not sure because you didn't want to start a argue like a couple of months ago." that is because around you I can be myself and I never had that chance with Eleanor she fall for the Louis Tomlinson from one direction, you where my friend before we dated and before I was in one direction but when you started dating that one moran of a Rick I dated Eleanor because I thought that I never had a chance with you, but than we both broke up with them and than I finally had the guts to tell you. I wouldn't chance that in a million years I love you(y/n) and only you" Louis told you." I thought that I didn't have a chance with cause you where very populiar back at school and I was just normal nothing more I always have loved you and never doubt about it but when she told me that stuff I believed it" you said you started to get tears a bit when Louis saw that he was already at your side and kissed the tears who had escapt from your eyes away he leaved a trail of kisses and end up at your lips. you pulled away when you heard the doorbell rang. you stood up from your comfortable place and walked to the door you openend and your surprised to see that it was Eleanor. " Louis" you yelled." yep what is wr.... Eleanor what are you doing here" Louis asked." I am here to pick you up" she replied. " for what" you asked."well too take you home with me and have some alone time" Eleanor said." No I am with (y/n) now and I always will be you had you chance but you only treated me like I was Louis from one direction (y/n) treats me like just Louis like when we where friends in the good days" Louis said." than if that is what you realy want than I am happy if your happy although you are with a nothing" she said fake smiling at you." you're the one who is nothing you only love Louis about his money and because he is famous"you said standing up for yourself." wow I never expact that too happen"Eleanor said and sighed." Look El I don't hate I admire you  maybe we can try too be friends instead of hating each other it is not like it gonna go somewhere don't you think"you said hoping that she would say yes. "sounds good well atleast we can try than I think also that that is beter than hating each other and if I may say I was jealous on you cause your dating Louis and you two can find it so good wih each other we where never like that So Louis I hope you forgive how I behaved myself"Eleanor said." sure I'll do but only if you and (y/n) are realy gonna be friends and that it is not just a plan to get me" Louis said." I promiss and no I want you too be happy and I see that you are that now so I leave you guys alone and maybe I can take(y/n) out tomorrow for shopping" She said. " sure sounds great I would love that" you said. and Eleanor walked away you closed the door and Louis pulled you in a bone crushing hug( a Louis hug that's what I call them). he kissed you again on the lips and you both went up stairs to get some sleep.


I hope you liked it a so far the rest comes later Niall and Zayn I am gonna het some rest now xxxxx

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