he gets jealous cause on of the boys flirts/helps you or say you look hot

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Harry: Niall. you, Harry and the other boys where at a club. Niall walks up to you and looks at you. '' you look good girl'' Niall says.'' Thanks Niall you don't look wrong yourself''' you said.'' (Y/n) if Harry wasn't with you I would totally date you you are hot'' Niall said. ''(Y/n)  there you are and Niall what are you doing with my girlfriend'' Harry said.'' I am not flirting with her I just said that she looked hit and if you weren't dating her I would've'' Niall said and walked away. You looked at Harry and saw his jaw thence. '' awww is Harry a but jealous you don't have to be I love you not Niall'' You said.'' He just needs to know your mine'' Harry said and put an arm around your waist and every time the boys came near the both of you he kissed you just to make sure your his.

Liam: Zayn. Liam isn't a jealous person but if someone touch you he was or helped you out.  You and Liam had a sleepover you invited all the boys. You all where having a movie Marathon. You decided to make some popcorn. Zayn followed you to help you out. The popcorn was on the top shelf where you couldn't reach. You stood on your tiptoes and tried to reach when a other arm grabbed it for you.'' Here you go love'' Zayn said.'' Thanks Zayn it is sweet'' You said. Zayn gave you a hug and you hugged back.'' Hey that is my girlfriend get your own Zayn'' A voice said. It was Liam he was pissed cause Zayn was helping me instead of him.'' Sorry Liam it is just that she smells so good'' Zayn said.'' That is enough Zayn stop'' Liam almost screamed.'' Liam Relax he was just helping me out he only grabbed the popcorn cause I couldn't reach it'' You said."(Y/N) stay out of this I just want him to know that your mine and not his'' Liam said.'' I know Li but your mine and Zayn has Perrie  he just misses her so much that's why he gives me a hug'' You said.'' Okay than'' Liam said. I walked to Liam. Zayn walked out of the kitchen. I gave Liam a kiss on his lips. The microwave beeped Liam grabbed the bowl with popcorn and we walked back in the living room and watched the movie.

Louis: Harry. You and Danielle where walking on the street to the Starbucks. Outside where a lot of girls screaming. You and Dani walked in the Starbucks and there where 5 boys wearing hoodies and sunglasses. Soon it hit you that was One Direction you always had a crush on Louis. The boys looked at you and Dani. You ordered your coffee and sat down a table in front of the boys.'' Hey girls how are you'' Harry asked sitting next to you.'' Good'' you answered.'' Hazz you always get the girls leave some for us'' Louis said. Liam sat next to Dani and talked with her.'' Louis I think she would be great with me she beautiful just like me'' Harry teased.'' She mine'' Louis yelled. He run over to you and sat on your lap with his arms around your shoulder.'' Yeah but the point is does she like you too''Harry said.'' Well I always had a crush on Louis cause he is funny, cute and always makes me laugh'' You said.'' And you said he the prefect ass'' Danielle said. Your cheeks turned bright red.'' Oh really'' Louis said.'' Well yeah'' You said.'' Harry you see she likes me more than you so ha'' Louis said and put his tongue out to Harry.'' But Louis she looks hot'' Harry said sad.'' No she is mine and only mine'' Louis said.'' Oh Louis is jealous'' Liam teased.'' I am not'' Louis said.'' But she is not yours cause she isn't marked'' Harry said. marked???.'' Oh yeah'' Louis said. His lips touched yours.'' YESSS SHE IS MINE YESSS YOU SUCK HARRY'' Louis yelled.

Niall: Louis. You where Niall's everything he never wants anybody to touch you not even the boys. You and Louis where having a discussion about something you both don't know what. Niall walked in the room.'' (Y/N) I have a better ass than you'' Louis said.'' No you don't Lou I have you are just jealous of me'' You said and put you tongue out.'' I know a better place to put that'' Louis said winking.'' You are no Harry, Louis'' You said. Louis walked over to you and sat on top of you. You where laying down on the couch and Louis was sitting on top of you.'' Louis get of me you are heavy'' You whined.'' No first say that my ass is better than yours'' Louis said.'' Never'' You said.'' Than I am afraid it is gonna be along day'' Louis said.'' Louis get of my girl dude'' Niall said.'' Never not until she says that I have a better ass than her'' Louis said.'' No one has a better ass than (Y/N)'' Niall said.'' Niall are you jealous'' Lou and You both asked.''no'' Niall said.'' Oh my god Niall is jealous'' Louis said.''you don't have to be leprechaun I love you and not Louis I don't know how does'' you said.'' Hey I heard that'' Louis said.'' I know that was the idea'' you said. Louis slapped you on the back of your leg.'' Oh you are down'' you said. Louis stood up and run outside you run after him he run into the back yard. He stood close to the pool and when Louis thought he lost you, you pushed him in the pool. Niall came running outside and was laughing.'' Now that's over where were we oh yeah Niall I love you and not Louis you don't have to be jealous Louis is JUST A FRIEND'' you said.'' I know princess I love you'' Niall said and kissed you. Louis broke the kiss by pulling ou and Niall in the water.


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