you don't think you fit with him Harry

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the tiltle of the book is not right it is acctually one direction preferences and there sorties small stories but I updated

it to soon and now I can't change it anymore it sucks:( here is the story xx

(y/n) = your name

(y/f/n) = your full name first name middle if you have one and last name



"(y/n) are you ready to go Love" you heard Harry shout from down stairs. "just wait I am almost done just a sec" you shouted back. you looked in the mirror again."how comes that Harry loves someone like me I am not a topmodel I am ugly" you said too yourself. "(y/n) you are not ugly don't put your self so down the reason why I love you is that I don't care how you look I love you cause you stay just the way you are the way how I met you I want you and nobody else okay (y/n)" Harry said too you making you speechless. he came closer with his lips untill his lips connected with yours. " (y/n) I love you so much please don't think of your self like that ever again I love you and no one else I don't want another girl you make me complete" Harry said again. "Hazz I love you too thanks for believing in me and thanks for being there for me you are the best boyfriend I ever had and I never wanna leave you I wanna be yours for forever and ever" you said. Harry grabbed your face and kissed you once again gently. you guys broke the kiss and walked down the stairs you openend the door and there where as always many paparzzi outside you called Preston and Paul before you went out the door they protected you both and lead you guys to Harry's black rangerover. he drove you and him to a nice fancy restrorant. he stopped the car on the parking lot infront of the restrorant. Harry got out of the car and openend your door and put his hand out you took it and he interwined your fingers with his. " good evening resorvation on what name"the man at the door asked. "styles" Harry said. " oh yeah right over here Mr. and Mrs Styles" the man said." Mrs. Styles" you asked confused. you saw Harry get down on one knee and he grabbed your hand. "(y/n) I know you for like a long time and I loved you from the first time I saw you when you walked in with your best friend Niall I loved you I thought first that it was jst a little crush but that became falling in love with you and when I finally had the guts too tell it too you and you said I love you too me I wanted you more you've been my girlfriend for 4 years now and every couple has his ups and downs and so had we but we are still together, so could you do me the honor to make me the happiest man on the whole planet, would you (y/f/n) Marry me" Harry said when he finished his long speech. oh my god Yes oh my god yes yes yes I will become your wife I would love that" you said. Harry openend a small box and there was a ring in it ( duhh sorry:) and Harry put it on your finger. and the rest is history.

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