Chapter One

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Dean flung open the front door to his house, dumping his bag on the floor and kicking off his shoes.

'Hey, Dean, how was school?' his mom called from the kitchen.

'It was fine,' he called back, hurrying across the living room and up the stairs. He bumped into Sam on the landing and put him in a headlock. 'How's it goin', baby bro?' he laughed, mussing Sam's hair.

'Get off me, you're such a dork,' Sam said, shoving Dean off.

Dean laughed and continued to his own room at the end of the hall. He stretched and lay down on his bed for a much needed rest after his long day at school. It was then that he saw the newly made bed on the other side of the room. Dread filled the pit of his stomach.

'Mom?' he called, getting back up and leaning over the banister of the stairs. 'Mom, tell me this isn't what I think it is.'

Mary's head appeared at the bottom of the stairs, her expression sheepish. 'Well...'

'You promised we wouldn't do any more fostering since that last psycho tried to bite me,' Dean complained.

'It's an emergency, Dean,' said Mary.

'Why can't he share with Sam?' Dean groaned.

'He's your age, Dean, I thought it would be nice.'

'Oh really? You thought it would be nice? You know how much I love having weirdos watch me in my own room. Put him in with Sam.'

'Shut up, Dean,' Sam yelled from his room.

'You shut up,' Dean shot back.

'Grow up, Dean, or I'll put you in with Sam, and he can have your room all to himself.'

'Dad,' Dean called.

'Listen to your mother,' John called back from the kitchen.

Dean groaned loudly.

'You're a senior now, act your age, or I really will put you in with Sam,' said Mary. 'Now both of you get down here, I need your help with dinner.'

Dean stomped down the stairs, Sam close behind him, and followed Mary into the kitchen. He saw the yet to be cooked pie sitting on the kitchen counter.

'This is clear bribery and I don't appreciate it,' Dean said to Mary.

'Yes you do. You're easily bribed,' Mary said, patting his shoulder. 'Set the table for me.'

Dean grabbed the cutlery out from the drawer and walked over to the dining room table, where John was sitting with a newspaper.

'Hey, Deano,' he said. 'How was school?'

'It was fine, Dad,' Dean said, rolling his eyes and setting the table around him. 'Same as every day.'

Mary put the pie in the oven when Dean returned for plates.

'When's this guy getting here?' Dean asked her, stacking plates in his arms.

'He's coming down from Colby, so might be tonight, or tomorrow morning if they end up at a motel.'

'Great. That's my weekend ruined.' Dean set the plates down.

'It's not that bad,' said Mary, pulling the casserole out of the oven.

'It's not you that has to share your room with strangers,' Dean grumbled, sitting at the table and waiting for Mary to set down the food.

'John, put the paper away,' Mary said, sitting down herself.

John reluctantly folded the paper, and helped himself to a serving spoon of casserole.

'This kid seems all right. He keeps to himself, he studies a lot. The social worker says he's kinda shy, so I don't think he'll bother you.'

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