Chapter Six

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Dean slept fitfully, waking up several times in the night after dreams that made him feel claustrophobic. The last time he woke saw him staring at his clock at five-thirty in the morning, so he didn't bother trying to get back to sleep. He got up and dressed, rubbing his eyes that still prickled with tiredness, and wandered downstairs.

Ever the early bird, Mary was already in the kitchen in her dressing gown, sitting at the table with a book and a cup of coffee. She looked up and frowned at Dean as he poured himself a cup and sat heavily at the table.

'You're up early,' she said quietly.

'Couldn't sleep,' Dean mumbled.

Mary reached out and stroked his hair. 'What's wrong, sweetie?'

'I don't feel so good,' he said.

Mary grimaced. 'Do you want to stay home today?'

Dean was sorely tempted, but he eventually shook his head. 'I promised I would do better this year, and besides, I don't want to ditch Cas again.'

Mary gave him a tight hug. 'That's my Deano.'

Just then, Cas shuffled into the kitchen looking disheveled, with heavy bags under his eyes.

'Morning, Cas,' Mary said, 'everything all right?'

'You were talking in your sleep,' Cas said to Dean, grabbing his own cup of coffee.

'Oh, sorry,' said Dean. 'What did I say?'

'Nothing that made any sense.' Cas leaned against the counter, slowly sipping his coffee.

Dean again considered skipping school, and forced himself to drink his coffee and put his mind back on track.

'Who wants breakfast?' Mary said brightly, trying to break the tense silence.

'I'm not hungry,' Dean mumbled.

Mary's face fell until Cas said, 'I wouldn't mind some.'

'I'll get some pancakes going,' she said, getting up from the table. 'Just let me get dressed, I'll be right back.' She patted Dean's shoulder on her way out.

'What's wrong?' Cas asked quietly once she was gone.

Dean shrugged. 'Just not feeling good today.'

'Is there - is there anything I can do to help?'

'No,' Dean said, but did his best to smile. 'Thanks though.'

Mary returned, fully dressed, and set about cheerfully making breakfast. Dean didn't eat any pancakes, but he did manage to pick at a few of the blueberries Mary was topping them with.

Eventually, though, they had to leave for school. Dean reluctantly picked up his bag and followed Cas out of the door. He didn't say much on the bus, and tried not to think about all the time he'd wasted carefully choosing his classes so he wouldn't have to see Rhonda at all. The sight of her already sitting in homeroom was almost enough to make him turn right around and leave again, but with Cas once again sitting in a seat close to Dean's, he was able to ignore her, focussing on Cas instead. He let out a breath as he sat down, resisting the urge to watch Rhonda, to make sure she didn't move from her seat. The sound of her voice churned his stomach, and he knew the others could tell something was off, but no one wanted to ask him what it was.

Determined as he was to get through the day, Dean only made it to third period. He was late to class after a quick rest stop, and ran right into Rhonda on his way out of the bathroom.

'I hope you washed your hands,' she said, laughing lightly.

Dean's heart leapt to his throat.

'What's the matter?' Rhonda said. 'Do I still take your breath away?' She stepped closer to him, forcing him backwards until he was against the wall, her hand on his chest. 'I thought so,' she smiled. 'You never know, maybe this can happen again. I'd be up for it.'

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