Chapter Twelve

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Cas hesitated outside the door to homeroom on Monday morning.

'What's up?' Dean asked, but Cas just shook his head and walked in.

Dean sat in his usual seat, but Cas hovered uncertainly by his, twisting the hem of his hoodie around his fingers.

Jo saw him and immediately stood up to give him a hug. 'Are you okay?' she asked him.

'I'm... embarrassed,' he admitted, avoiding her eye.


'I - um - I don't usually like to have that kind of reaction in front of people,' he mumbled.

'Hey, that's nothing to be ashamed of,' said Jo, guiding him into his seat, 'right, guys?'

There was a general murmur of agreement from the others. 'It was my fault for putting you in that situation, okay?'

'If you say so.' He gave her a small smile, and began to relax. 'So, Crowley, did you pick up anyone interesting on your way home?'

Crowley grinned and leaned back in his seat. 'Well actually, now that you mention it-'

The others let out loud, melodramatic groans, much to Crowley's amusement.

Mrs Neilsen arrived to take attendance, and Dean started when he realised that Rhonda wasn't there. It should have been a relief, but if anything it made him more anxious wondering when she would appear.

'All right, and don't forget, it's Spirit Week next week, the themes will be on the board. Please put in at least some effort, that's the whole point,' Mrs Neilsen announced before they all got up.

Jo was the first to the noticeboard, and read out the themes for them. 'Monday is rainbow day, Tuesday is western day-'

'Awesome,' said Dean.

'Wednesday is eighties day, Thursday is pajama day, and Friday is Halloween Homecoming. Sounds fun.'

They left for class for the day, and Dean was tense right up until Rhonda popped out of a classroom on her way home for lunch.

'Sorry I missed you this morning,' she said, falling into step beside him, pushing Jo out of her way.

'Hey!' Jo protested.

'So, are you taking me to Homecoming?'

Dean stopped in his tracks, Kevin walking right into him. 'W-what?'

'Homecoming. You're taking me, right?'

'I - uh - I-' His brain refused to come up with a good excuse and he began to sweat.

'He can't go with you,' Cas said, frowning at Rhonda.

'Why not?'

'He's already going with me,' Cas told her.

Rhonda snorted. 'Yeah right, Dean's not gay. Trust me, I know.'

Cas's mouth tightened. 'We're going as friends. Since I don't really know anyone just yet. It's very kind of him.'

Rhonda rolled her eyes. 'Whatever,' she scoffed and stormed off.

Dean let out a breath and felt Cas's hand on his shoulder.

'You all right?' he asked quietly.

Dean nodded. 'You realise that means you actually have to go to Homecoming with me, right? So if you had other plans...'

Cas laughed. 'It would hardly be the worst thing in the world to go with you.'

'Well thanks, I guess.'

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