Chapter Fourteen

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Dean was still awake when the sun came up again, and he was the first to see the two police officers walking through the ward.

'Hey,' Dean murmured, gently shaking Cas.

It still took him a moment to wake, but he looked up at Dean and smiled.

'Hello, Dean,' he mumbled.

'Hey,' Dean said, smiling back. 'I think these officers want to talk to you.'

'What? Officers?'

'Castiel Novak?' one of them asked, and Cas nodded. 'We won't take up too much of your time, we just want to ask you a couple of questions about last night.'

Cas put a hand to his head. 'Last night...?' He looked around. 'Is this... a hospital?'

'Yeah, it's a hospital,' said Dean. 'Mom, wake up, the cops are here.'

Mary started awake and rubbed her eyes.

'What do you remember about last night?' the officer asked Cas.

Cas ran a hand through his hair, still struggling to piece together what was happening. 'Um... We were at Homecoming... I remember walking to the after party... but then... nothing.' He looked at Dean, fear clear on his face. 'What - what happened? How did I get here?'

Mary reached out and rubbed his arm. 'It's okay, sweetie.'

The officer grimaced. 'There's a strong possibility that someone spiked your drink last night,' he said gently.

' What?'

'We don't want to jump to conclusions, but no one else at the party was even tipsy by the time you had ingested the drugs, so it's unlikely to be a case of mixed up beverages.'

'Who would do that?' Cas said, aghast.

'Well, that's what we were hoping you could tell us.'

Cas shook his head. 'I have no idea,' he said, still in shock. 'I hardly know anyone here at all, let alone upset someone so much they'd...'

The officer nodded sympathetically.

'Did I - did I do something wrong?' said Cas, tearing up.

'No, of course not,' Dean said immediately. 'There are some bad people out there, that doesn't mean you did anything wrong, okay?'

'And you are...?' the officer asked Dean.

'Oh, I'm Dean, we share a room.'

The officer nodded. 'Did you see anything last night?'

Dean shook his head. 'Not at all. I was in the living room most of the time. Cas went to hang out with the track team in the kitchen, and then the next time I saw him he was - well, you know... Maybe those guys saw something - oh!'

The officer raised an eyebrow.

'Maybe Alfie saw something. He's the photographer for the yearbook; he's always taking pictures and he was there. Maybe he got something on camera.'

'Okay, great,' said the officer. He wrote some more notes, then passed Cas his card. 'Call me if you think of anything.'

Cas nodded vaguely, and they left.

Mary and Dean both watched him nervously, until he sighed deeply.

'So what did they give me?' Cas asked.

'They slipped you some GHB,' Mary told him gently. 'Are you okay?'

Cas nodded, but put a hand over his mouth, retching. Mary tried to pass him a tray but he waved it away. 'I'm okay,' he gasped, taking a few deep breaths. 'Some of my friends have been given that before. I know what it does.' He sniffed and pinched the bridge of his nose with a shaking hand. 'Did - did anyone - um - did anyone do anything to me?'

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