Chapter 3: The Silence

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The phone on Nixon's desk rang loudly as they entered into the oval office. Amy kept shooting Wanda nervous looks as the Time Lady walked up to the desk. Wanda continued to hold her hands behind her back, though no longer pinched at her thumb. She actually tried to tug at her hair, but when her fingers reached empty air, she frowned in frustration. Right, she had short hair now. She had to get used to that.

She stood beside behind the Doctor while Amy lingered in the back. The Doctor stated cheerfully that he had found the location of the child on the map. The only place the child could possibly be calling from. Canton nodded, clearly impressed. With the phone ringing repeatedly in the office, Nixon pushed on the tape recorder and picked up the phone.

"Hello? This is President Nixon," he spoke into the phone.

"It's here! The spaceman's here!" cried the frightened little girl's voice over the recorder. "It's going to get me! It's going to eat me!" Wanda tensed, her hand reaching up to grab the blue crystal on her necklace. Poor Melody. Her hearts went out to the child.

The Doctor felt the same, snapping his fingers and telling them time to go. Time to rescue the scared child from harm. The group hurriedly went to the TARDIS. Canton rushed after them and straight into the ship. The man stared around in stunned silence as he took his new surroundings. The vast space within had not been anything he expected from such a small exterior. Wanda patted his shoulder in reassurance.

"Yeah, I know. It's beautiful, isn't it?" she said to him brightly before bouncing off to the console with the others.

The Doctor rushed around as he sent the ship off, rambling away in a flurry. Amy glanced around, seeing Wanda there looking as normal as ever. Had Amy heard her wrong? No, she heard the woman quite clearly. But how to tell the Doctor about it when Wanda stood so close? Amy very much doubted that the Doctor would ever want Wanda to know it was dangerous for her to remember. Whatever the remembering was in the first place. He never did get around to telling Amy about it. He always seemed to avoid the subject. It must be horrible from the strange look he would get when even thinking about it, almost a pained gaze of sorts.

The Doctor rushed back to the TARDIS doors after they arrived to the converging streets of Jefferson, Adams, and Hamilton. They found themselves to be in an old, abandoned warehouse in Florida. Exactly five miles from Cape Kennedy Space Centre, the Doctor explained to them as they searched around.

Wanda walked ahead of the group with her torch one hand and marker in the other. She held a determined expression on, wanting to make sure she ran into any Silence first in case they planned some sort of surprise attack. She knew that did not happen in the show, but so many things changed from her universe to this one that she would not be surprised anymore. And if her friends lives were in danger, then she needed to be ready to defend them. To protect them, at all costs.

As Wanda continued on forward, Amy walked closer beside the Doctor, tugging on his arm to get his attention. He glanced at her curiously.

"Yes? What is it, Amy?" he asked quietly. Amy leaned in close, making sure the Time Lady in front of them did not hear what they were discussing.

"Doctor, that one rule you gave me. To tell you when Wanda said 'I remember,'" she whispered to him. He tensed, eyes going wide in fear. Amy stared at him gravely. "She said it."

"When?" he asked quickly.

"It was . . . sometime after we went to the restroom," Amy recalled, having somewhat of a difficult time remembering when she found parts of her memory blank. She stared anxiously at him. "Is she going to be all right?" The Doctor did not answer as he walked swiftly forward.

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