Chapter 8: Adventures with Nine

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The Doctor sat at the TARDIS doors, having them open to the vast majesty of space. He sat there, leaning with his elbows on his legs as they dangled out the doorway. He observed the swirling mass of the solar system below him. A stray comet drifted by, leaving a snowy trail behind it as it travelled past the TARDIS. He stared distantly at the sight, eyes glazed over sadly. He had been right; she had been nothing more than a delusion. His mind had created that character for him, 'the Wanderer'. Or maybe the TARDIS had even created it, wanting him to get better. Either way, the Time Lady had never been real.

It had happened as they were walking through the corridors. The Doctor was giving her a tour of the ship. Even though he knew she probably already had a tour in the future, or maybe even had found her own way around being as clever as she was, he still wanted to make it official. She was there to stay. She was the last Time Lady, as he was the last Time Lord. And they had the whole TARDIS to themselves. Forever. Neither one of them were to be alone ever again. Just the thought of it made him feel so . . . happy.

Then, the next thing he knew, while she had been laughing to something (he did not even remember at what now), she was gone. He had not even notice at first. He had kept on walking and talking. It was not until he gained no response did he realize that she no longer walked beside him. He had whipped around, staring wildly for her. He had tried to remain calm at first, thinking maybe it was some prank or something. Then he had to admit he panicked, going into a frenzy of searching for her madly around the TARDIS. Shouting her name, going through every room and hidden area of the ship. Nothing. There was no trace that she had even existed.

He continued to stare out to the vast expanse, thinking about the Wanderer. Even though she had not been real, it had been . . . nice having someone around. Especially when after the Time War, he had felt determined in not having another companion around. Not ever again. Though, the Wanderer would not have been like the human companions he had travelled with in the past. She was a Time Lord. She was at a whole different level. He sighed, bowing his head. Now, he was alone once again. Just as he always has been. Just as he always must be. Alone.

Just then, laughter could be heard behind him. The Doctor turned around quickly to see the Wanderer there laughing away. She sighed after a moment, blinking around in confusion to her surroundings. She spotted him, grinning sheepishly.

"Oops. Travelled away without noticing. How long I've been gone?" she asked brightly, seeming not to notice the angry glare the Doctor sent her.

"Where the hell have you been? You've been gone a whole day," he snapped at her, feeling a small bit of relief in seeing her again. Wanda rolled her eyes, shaking her head.

"I've told you this. I jump away at random," she responded to him.

"I didn't think it was that random, and without any warning," he replied, lessening his harsh tone.

"There is a warning. The white light starts to surround my body. Didn't you notice?"

Now that she mentioned it, he did remember seeing a small bit of white light in the corner of his eye. Hardly bright enough for him to even notice or think about at the time.

"No, I didn't notice. Next time give a shout or something," he grumbled, turning back around to stare back out to space. He felt his lips twitch slightly, a small smile just there. At least she was real and he was not alone. Though, he still felt annoyed with her.

"Aw, I feel so loved," Wanda said sarcastically. She walked up some towards him, but stayed a distance away from him, staring warily at the TARDIS doors. "So, what've you been up to in a day?"

"I don't know, what have you been up to? Obviously you were away with someone who made you laugh," he replied.

"I was laughing at you. For me, I was with you only two seconds ago, while it's been a whole day for you."

Wanderer of Time: Silence Begins (doctor who)Where stories live. Discover now