Chapter 33: Realization

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The Doctor came over by Wanda moments later, looking grave.

"I saw the car," he said quietly. "The same one that was supposed to kill Pete."

"I know," Wanda whispered as a grave expression grew on her face. "It's on a loop, isn't it?"

"Yeah," he answered. They both glanced up to the front of the church where Rose was. They could see how she stood leaning against a railing, staring up a painted window with a sad expression. The Doctor shook his head slightly. "It's the only way to fix things."

"I know," Wanda said quietly, her voice heavy in remorse. She stared away from the girl, hating the fact that there was nothing that could be done for Pete. His death was practically a fixed point in time. Nothing could be changed about it. Wanda sighed heavily. "She's going to be devastated."

"I know." The Doctor stared solemnly at Rose, feeling sorry for the girl.

Now that he had some time to cool down from his anger, he saw she really was just a silly girl. Having so much hope in believing anyone could be saved in the end. When, in fact, there was always an end to life. Something he knew he needed to realize as well. It was why he felt so foolish and guilty in believing when Wanda came around that she could magically fix things and make everyone live. He had been in such a state of denial it had been ridiculous really. He had been just as imprudent as Rose.

He gave a quick glance to Wanda, seeing how sorrowful the Time Lady appeared to be. It seemed to tear her up inside in knowing someone else had to die. That Rose would be the one to lose someone dear, and to make the girl unhappy in general. That girl . . . she meant so much to Wanda. And trying with her might to save lives as well had always been a trait in Wanda that the Doctor admired. He did not want to let the Time Lady down in simply letting Pete die. There had to be something he could.

"There might be another way," the Doctor suggested to Wanda. "We could try something. At least give Rose the family she wants."

"You're only thinking that because you want to make it up to her for trying to leave her . . . again," Wanda responded, giving him an amused expression.

"Yeah, maybe. But . . . I also feel bad for her," the Doctor said, shrugging slightly as he thought of another certain someone who he wanted to make happy. "She was right in a way. I was upset because she can save her family . . . while I can't." The Doctor's gaze saddened as he thought of his lost home. Wanda gently rubbed his shoulder, giving him an empathetic look as she knew what he was thinking.

"She still shouldn't have said that, though," Wanda stated.

"Yeah. But we tend to say things when tempers flare. Things we don't really mean." He glanced at her, looking as though he was regretting what he had said earlier. Even though he still felt hurt and mad that Wanda did not seem to trust him enough to let him know when these things were going to happen, he could never truly stay mad at his Wanda for long. She had been closer to him than any other. And at least she was better than the other Wandas.

"I'm still cross about being left out of the loop, but I should really learn to keep my mouth shut sometimes," he finally said after a few moments. "I really didn't mean some of the things I've said."

"I know. But I'm had gotten used to it being around you in my younger days," Wanda said quietly.

The Doctor winced on hearing that. Now he was really starting to feel guilty. Had this really became a routine for them? Had he really seemed like nothing more than a hateful person to First Wanda? He . . . never wished for that to happen. But, then again . . . "I never seem to leave off on a good note with that First Wanda, do I?"

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