Chapter 31

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Warning: chapter contains blood, extreme violence, strong language and death.

You've been warned...

"Now that's the spirit old man!"

You playfully cheered seeing Theo smile but his smile quickly turns to a glare just hearing your comment. "Oh c'mon! You were just smiling a second ago! Now quit glaring at me you grumpy old man. The more you glare, the more wrinkles you'll get later on." Teasing Theo, the man scoffs at your words.

"Oh please, don't act like you don't do the same." He snaps back, reaching into his pocket to pull out his cigarettes. "Another one?!" You yell at the man who nods. "Problem?"

"Hell yeah I do! Just a little reminded old man, each cigarette you smoke brings you closer to Jesus." You comment, placing your hands on your hip. He rolls his eyes, clearly unbothered. "Can't wait to meet him." Theo responded sarcastically.

"Say no more." You pull out your pocket knife, ready to strike. "Knock it off." He glared. "Hurry the hell up and change. I'm not dealing with your childish behavior right now brat."

"As long as I continue to live and work for the Monroe's, you'll be dealing with my childish behavior so start getting used to it." Smiling, he shook his head. "I'm already used to it." Theo mumbled quietly. You didn't hear the man as he spoke in a low tone. He grabs his lighter from his pocket. Before the hitman can light the cigarette, you stop him.

"How about a deal reaper?" Quickly questioning Theo, he turns to you, giving you his attention. "I'm listening." He responded. "If you put that cigarette down and relax with the cancer sticks, I'll stop smoking for good." You offer the hitman.

To your surprise, Theo immediately put the cigarette away including his lighter. "Well that was easy..." You muttered out, making the man chuckle.

'Damn old man didn't hesitate at all.' Thinking silently. "Can't go back on your word kid." He reached out his hand to you. "Deals a deal."

Reaching into your pocket, you hand Theo your pocket of cigarettes, including your lighter. "I'll cut your hands off if I see you with a cigarette in your mouth old man." You warn the man as he let's out a deep chuckle.

"Oh kid, your baby threats don't frighten me at all." The man smirked. "Wanna bet on that old man?" You glare.

Before you can reach for your pocket knife again, Theo had beat you to it. He pulled out his gun, pointing the barrel of the weapon underneath your chin. He didn't hesitate to remove the safety of the gun.

"Try it." Theo challenged. You glare at the man as he patiently waits for you to strike any second. Sighing, you lift your hands up, surrendering. "You win."

The smirk on his face widens a bit. "You're pretty slow brat. This is the second time I beat you at this." You roll your eyes at the male. "Well excuse me, my arms are a bit sore from beheading the rat of the clan."

He chuckles once again, putting his gun away. "Don't tell me that's your excuse kid. All you did was behead the man." Theo continued to laugh. Having heard enough, you harshly pinch the side of his stomach which quickly shut him up. "What the hell was that for?!"

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