Chapter 13

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Warning:chapter contains violence, uncomftorable topics, blood, gore and death.

You've been warned...

"Get. Off." You strictly say.

"I don't think so. Not this time doll." He whispers. "What is your pr-" You were cut off. "I informed you the rules and yet, you break them. I don't take that lightly doll." He said dangerously.

He leans down to your neck. You squirm around in his grasp. He let's go. His hands start roaming around your body. His left hand rubbing up and down your thigh. His other hand placed on your waist.

"Get your hands off before I chop then off." You glare. "Oh hush now, you won't do such a thing." He chuckles. "I've done it before, what the hell makes you think I won't do it to you?" You say. He stops from doing anything else.

He smirks. "Like that will stop me." His left hand starts roaming even higher. You immediately stop his hand from going up any higher. You were caught off guard when he unexpectedly smashes his lips on yours.

"!!!" You're eyes widen at his sudden action. You froze as your mind began spinning. Immediately composing yourself, you bite down on his lips harshly. He pulls away. A little bit of blood began coming out of the wound. He chuckles. He wipes the blood off.

"You wanna play rough? Fine, I'll play along doll." He said darkly. "Don't even try." You glare. "Wanna bet?" He snapped back. He leans down to your neck again. You gasp when suddenly you felt pressure.

"What are you-?" You stop as you felt even more pressure. This bastard bit down even harder. You shakily put your hands on his shoulders, trying to push him off but he wouldn't allow it.

All of a sudden, you felt a different sensation to your neck. Donovan began sucking your skin. You covered your mouth, not wanting to make a sound. This angered Donovan.

He then started sucking on different spots on your neck, leaving dark and bruised hickeys. Unexpectedly, you released a moan. He smirked. He started to abuse your sweet spot once he found it.

You're hands became even more shaky. Donovan takes notice and pulls away. "This should be enough for now..." He looks down at you with an intense look. "Next time..."

"I won't hesitate to fuck you doll..."

Now the morning, you wake up to see Donovan gone. You sigh in relief. 'Thank goodness he's gone.' You get up to do your morning routine. You cringe at the sight of the mirror. Hickeys decorated all over your neck.

You walk out of your room. The whole apartment smelled amazing. You walk towards the kitchen and freeze. "Good morning doll." He said smiling. "Why are you still here?"

He chuckles. "Oh doll, I forgot to tell you. You and I have business to attend too." He said. "And that is?" You question.

"Well like I said from the start, we're getting my crest symbol tattooed on you." He said. "Excuse me?" You cross your arms.

"You heard me, whether you like it or not." He smiles and places a plate of food at the table. "Well, eat up. We're going out today."

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