Chapter 21

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Warning: Violence, disturbing topics, strong language and blood

You've been warned...

Muriel began fluttering her eyes open, only to be met by darkness. She realized she was blindfolded and tied up. She realized the situation she was in. "I'm still alive?" She mumbled. Her body rolls over to one side, hitting the side of the trunk harshly. She moans in pain. "Fuck. Those little punks put me in the trunk."

Her body slams the trunk as they drove over a bump. 'Can't those idiots drive well?' She thought, frustrated. With all her might, she kicks the trunk a couple of times. "Where the hell are you taking me?!" She yelled.

"Well look who's finally up." Lorenzo says, making a few of the men chuckle as they continue hearing her muffled screams. Her muffled yelling and screaming started to annoy both Donovan and Angel.

"I swear if she continues yelling, I'm putting a bullet through the hags head." Angel said in annoyance. "Easy there now. You do know this is Don's kill." Lorenzo smirked. "Why didn't you kill her when you had the chance Don?" James asks.


"Don?" James glanced at Donovan. James took notice of Donovan gripping his phone tightly. Donovan was worried sick. He knew something was wrong, Lorenzo sighs. "Relax Donovan, I'm sure they're alright." He reassures. "Y/N didn't call me or pick up the phone when I tried calling." "Did you text her?" James asked. "I did but she never responded..." Donovan sighed.

"Why don't you call one of the trio's? They hang out with Y/N a lot especially Jen." James stated out. "You know he's right Don. Jen and Y/N have become close." Lorenzo added.

Donovan didn't hesitate to call Jen. Everyone in the car went silent. 'C'mon pick up...' He thought. His hand grips the wheel harshly.

"Boss?" Jenny answers. "Mind telling me why Y/N isn't answering my calls or replying to my messages?" He asks, getting straight to the point. Jenny doesn't respond. The line went silent for a bit. "Hello? Jenny?" Donovan can hear Jenny sigh on the other line. "It's not good boss." Hearing her words makes his heart drop. He was right, something was wrong...

"What do you mean it's not good? What the hell happened?" Donovan questioned with worry. "She...She passed out." Jenny shakily responds. The phone is snatched away from her hands.

"Boss, it's Eden." He responded quickly. "Eden, tell me what the hell happened!" Lorenzo, Angel, and James look at each other worried. "Before I do, tell Lorenzo that the twins are fine, they're completely safe." Lorenzo, overhearing the conversation, sighs in relief.

"We accompanied Y/N, Jen, and the twins to get ice cream. West and two other star members showed up at the parlor and handed Y/N an envelope..." Eden inhales deeply. This makes Donovan more impatient and even more worried. "What was in the envelope?" Donovan questioned.

" was a picture of Finn but...just gruesome." Eden struggled to put the words together. "Gruesome?" "The kid was cut open, he had organs missing, an eye, and his fingers."

"Oh no..." James said quietly, hearing he conversation. "How long did this happen?" Donovan asked. "About two hours ago. Y/N is still out." Eden explained. "Where are all of you at the moment?" "We're at Y/N's apartment." Eden replied. "I'm on my way."

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