Chapter 18

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Warning: chapter contains violence, sensitive topics, blood, gore, death and etc.

You've been warned...


You blink a couple of times, only to be met by rays of the sun. You immediately cover your eyes. Grabbing an extra pillow, you throw it over your face and try getting comfortable. A strong grip around your waist prevented you to do so.

'What the-' You turn your head slightly to see none other than Donovan, sound asleep. 'But I locked the door-' You paused as the realization hits. 'Bastard must have had a key...' You thought.


You sigh in annoyance and try reaching for your phone that was placed on the nightstand. 'Gotcha!' You yelled in your mind as you got the phone. Opening up the message, you couldn't help but smile.

The gals

They received the box. It's done.

I heard what happened. I must say, they had a reaction. ○.○

Who cares! Let's all hang out today, the day isn't so bad!


Thanks again. I appreciate it.

No problem :)

Yo Y/N, wake my baby girl up, tell him what I said.


It's not gay if you say 'no homo.' ;)

Where's the 'no homo' part?



You shake your head and giggle as they continued fooling around in the group chat. The grip around your waist tightens a bit more.

"What are you laughing at?" Donovan asks, his voice a bit raspy yet deep. "Good morning princess. Explain why you're in my room when I locked the door and specifically told you to stay away." You demanded.

"My house, my room. If I want to be in here, I can." He says making you roll your eyes. "Go to your own bedroom." "No." He immediately responded, burrowing his face on the crook of your neck, holding you closer.

"Let go of me hun." He completely ignores you, making you sigh. "You're so warm..." He whispers. "I have things to do today. James wants to hang out so I suggest you to get up."

"We can hang out another time. Today, I want to spend the day with you." 'Oh I don't think so.' You thought. Grabbing your phone, you send a text to the chat.


'Well that was quick...' You look at the message and grin. "They're coming in fifteen minutes so get up." He sighs in annoyance. "What did you say?" He asks. He gets up from the bed and stretches. "Oh nothing." You smile as you pull the covers up and get comfortable.

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