5 | tea party

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After Hanako had finished with his nap he and Akai went to the bathroom together. They weren't doing anything together, but they still enjoyed each other's company after Akai realized that she didn't need to constantly interact with her friends.

They wouldn't hate her if she didn't actively try to entertain them every time they were together. Sometimes just being around a person was nice.

Akai had taken to one corner and was playing with a Mokke. As in playing she was softly singing some short rhyme she knew while flopping the mokke's ears around. "... do they wobble to and fro? can you tie them in a knot? Can you tie them in a bow? Can you throw them over your shoulder?...~" she sang quietly. The Mokke didn't seem to mind much

Hanako was gazing out the window at something. He had a resting bitch face but Akai wasn't going to ask him if something was wrong. Maybe he was day dreaming.

But unfortunately for Akai soon Hanako's Hakujoudai alerted him to some sort of supernatural in the school that was threatening the student's well being and had to race off to fix it. Akai waved him goodbye and wished him luck before being confronted with the feeling of utter loneliness once he'd left. Loneliness despite being surrounded by Mokke.

She sighed and stopped singing. She slumped against the wall and pet the Mokke she'd been holding more gently now. "Do my friends really like me or do they just tolerate my presence..?" She wondered out loud.

"I dunno." The Mokke said. "Me neither." Akai replied and pat the Mokke on its head before giving it candy for putting up with her nonsense and watching it hop away. Akai loved Hanako, Kou, and Nene- platonically of corse. Fuck shipping, writing romance is kinda awkward -but she wasn't sure if they felt the same. She'd be isolated for a while after she'd first died so she'd forgotten what it was like to be friends. She'd forgotten what it should feel like, what was normal for friendship, and many of the other things that had to do with it. She often feared she wasn't doing enough to keep them around. But why should have to try so hard to keep them around? If she had to try so hard to keep someone around wouldn't that mean they don't like her? If so then what's the point in keeping them around. She guessed to point was to not feel lonely anymore, but don't try too hard of corse or you'll scare them away.

Scary is a ghosts thing but Akai wasn't really like that or at least didn't want to be.

She got tired of listing to the leaky faucet in the bathroom and got up and left. Hanako would be back and so would Nene and Kou. After a few hours just like always! A few... long... hours.

• • •

Akai sulked in the halls. Scribbling her friends faces on the wall after drawing pictures of Tsuchigomori-sensei, in human form of corse, and the fox version of Yako on the wall. She looked at the happy drawings of her friends she'd made with a pencil she totally didn't steal from anyone. "The gang's all here..." She whined quietly and then sighed and pressed her forehead against the wall.

"You're in a gang?" A voice she recognized said and scared the absolute crap out of her. She sprang up trembling for a few seconds causing her glasses to go crooked on her face. Then she pressed her back against the wall covering the picture she'd made of her friends. She keep her eyes on the ground avoiding eye contact with this new person out of both fear and embarrassment. How stupid was she? Missing people after it'd only been like five minutes since they'd gone. 'Get a grip Akai!' She'd mentally scold herself

"G-gang?! Me?? No- no why would I? I-I-I really don't have the guts for such a th-thing. I'm no killer! It's just-" she stammered and then the other person cut her off.

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