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Davina Sinclair

I woke up to a loud thud, I looked around my room to figure out where the noise was coming from. I knew that the noise couldn't have been from any of the men because they had gone to Kylo's parent's house for some mission.

The guards were all on break or outside so it couldn't have been them either. Soon Kat and Faith came barging into my room like we were being attacked.

"Come on Vina we have to hurry, I've already called my brother he and the boys will be here soon," Kat says in a hushed voice pulling me off of my bed and towards my closet with Faith following close behind.

"Wait what's going on," I say as we make it into the closet. "We're being attacked," she said pulling her gun out and peaking out of the closet to see if it was safe. Panic soon rushed over me, and I froze thinking back on that day.

Faith noticed something wasn't right with me and soon comforted me. "It's all right Vina, Kylo will be here soon," she said rubbing my back. But I wasn't listening, it was like I was still the same little girl 15 years ago.

I sunk to the floor and started bawling my eyes out it was like I couldn't get the image of my mom's lifeless body out of my head no matter how hard I tried. Kat also took notice of this, it wasn't like nobody knew about what happened to my mom, everyone knew but what they didn't know is that I saw everything.

Kat sunk to the floor with me and Faith and also comforted me. When I finally got myself together, Kat got back up and told us that she'd be back.

Faith and I immediately protested against the idea that she go out there alone, so Faith being the hero she is decided to go with her just for safety and left me alone.

I didn't hear much after they left and that's what scared me the most, I knew Faith could handle herself considering Kat taught her how to use a gun since the first day she got here. I also knew that if something bad happened Kat would be there to protect herself and Faith. But What also scared me the most was being alone with my thoughts. I sometimes wish I wasn't so helpless all of the time.

Ever since my mom died I never had been able to hold a gun. It brought back to many bad memories. I loved my mom with all my heart and when she died I lost a piece of my heart with her.

I also knew that when she died dad lost his life, his will to breathe, mom was his everything and when those bad men came in and robbed us of our life my whole world changed.

My dad became stone cold he stopped comforting me when I would get hurt or sick, and he stopped saying he loved me, it was like I was just a burden that he was just waiting to get rid of.

And when Kylo's dad proposed we would be married and dad immediately shipped me off to Italy I knew that was when I officially was a burden to him and getting married was him getting rid of that burden.

As I was still stuck in my dark thoughts and past I hadn't noticed someone coming into my room. I hoped it would be Faith or Kat but I was wrong. One of the men that were attacking us came into the closet and found me. He had on a black mask with a gun he snatched me off the floor and pulled me towards him.

I could feel the tears starting to come up but I shoved them down. I didn't want to show this man that I was scared of him. "What's a pretty face like yours hiding in a closet," the man said walking towards the door. I tried to push him off of me but it was no use.

"Ah ah ah sweet stuff your not going anywhere," the man said pushing me out of the room. I started screaming thinking that if I did maybe Kat or Faith would hear. The man pulled me by my hair it stung so bad that it made me scream even more with tears streaming down my face.

"Shut the fuck up bitch unless you want the whole neighborhood to hear you," the man said as he continued pulling me by my hair while walking down the stairs. When we were finally downstairs I saw Faith and Kat tied up with tape over their mouths.

The man pushed me towards the ground I scooted towards Faith and Kat and tried to help them but soon was punched by one of the other men that were also there. The man who brought me down here tied me up and put tape on my mouth.

"Ok, let's go get the bags and take some rich people's shit" one of the men who I noticed had a weird skull tattoo on his chest said. They soon left me, faith, and kat alone. Kylo, please hurry.
Kylo Stone

"Step on it, Maddox!" I yell, after Kat called me I immediately got the boys and got in the car speeding home. When we finally made it We got out of the car with our guns ready. All of the men that stayed behind while we were on our mission were all dead, Who were these guys?

"Ok, when we get in Kane and Maddox you go to the west wing I'll go to the east. They both nodded and headed towards the west wing while I went east.

As I walk into the house I saw one of the men taking useless stuff that we had no use for but still kept. I snuck behind him and pointed my gun toward his head. "drop it stronzo" I say my Italian accent thick.

The man turned around and tried to land a punch my way which I successfully blocked. I then gave him a taste of his own medicine when I landed a hard punch on his face. I landed punch after punch until he was unconscious.

I know I could have used my gun to knock him out but what's the point in having fists if you're not using them?

I then looked in every door to find the girls but couldn't find them. I decided to go to the north wing. I raise my gun ready to shoot anyone I saw. When I saw one guy guarding a door I knew that's where the girls had to be.

I didn't hesitate to shoot him instantly, I kicked his lifeless body away from the entrance of the door and there I found three girls tied up with duct tape on their mouths. I then yelled for Maddox and Kane to come. They were as shocked as I was at the sight.

Faith and Katrina looked fine but Davina looked the absolute worst. She had a bruise forming on her right cheek she had tears streaming down her face and she looked on the verge of passing out. My protective instinct kicked in and I untied Davina quickly before she passed out in my arms.

I picked her up while Kane and Maddox untied Faith and Katrina. They all looked really worried for Davina and when Kane untied Faith, she ran up to Davina with the most worried expression ever.

"Davina please wake up," Faith said tears streaming down her face from Faith's reaction I don't think this is the first time something like this has happened.

Faith collapsed on the ground sobbing Kane came up to her to help her off the floor. "It's all right dolcezza," Kane said soothing Faith. I could tell Kane really cared for Faith.

As I walked out the door I whispered in Davina's ear "Please be okay, Principessa".

Word Count: 1379 words
A/N srry it took so long for me to update.
Is Davina okay, is Kane starting to have feelings

 Is Davina okay, is Kane starting to have feelings

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