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                             Davina Sinclair

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Davina Sinclair

I hadn't seen Kylo since our argument, after I left that day Kat came into my room and saw that I was crying. It wasn't just about the argument it was also because I was tired and homesick.

I went downstairs to get some breakfast from the cook/housemaid, whose name I found out to be was Lilith. We had gotten really close over the time that I had been here.

She told me about her family and how every time she got off work she would come home and her kids and husband would greet her with a bunch of hugs and kisses.

I dreamt that I would have that one day but plans change, and I guess it just wasn't meant to be. "Good morning, Davina," Lilith says, instantly passing me a plate of chocolate chip pancakes and whipped cream.

"Morning, Lilith how was your morning," I ask trying to start a conversation whilst I eat my delicious pancakes. "Oh it's fine, how was yours?" she asks while washing dishes.

"Same as always" I say picking at my food, she clears her throat and asks "And how are you and Mr. Stone" I almost choke from the question and drop my fork on my plate and stand up from the chair.

"I think I'm going to go get ready for today," I clear my throat and say pointing upstairs, She nods understandingly. I don't know what was wrong with me it's like whenever someone mentioned his name I just blank out and avoid the topic completely.

Something about him just-, I stop in my tracks seeing him at the top of the stairs talking to Maddox. His hair looked disheveled like he had been combing through it for hours.

And his tie looked out of place, he looked like he had been through hell. I stepped out of the trance that I was in and continued walking up the steps praying that he wouldn't want to talk to or see me.

And to my surprise, he didn't I turned to where the door to my room was and when I finally made it I closed my door and sighed.

But the peacefulness I felt didn't last long when I heard a knock at my door. "Who is it," I ask cautiously. I hear talking on the other side of the door and then silence.

Me being me I decided to open the door, but to my surprise, no one was there. I shrugged it off and went back into my room.

I soon got a text from Kat asking me to come to her door. I left my room and started heading toward hers. When I finally made it I knocked on the door, but all I heard was pure silence.

Me thinking something was wrong I opened her door and what I saw was a total mess. Kat's room had been trashed all through the room. "Kat," I say looking around the mess looking for her.

I soon found her huddled up in the bathroom crying. "Kat what's wrong what happened," I asked quietly. She looks up at me with red puffy eyes and I Take that as a sign not to say or do anything, just hold her.
After Kat's meltdown, she went to sleep I stayed with her just in case. When I felt that she was good and safe I decided to leave.

I slowly got up from her bed afraid that I'd wake her up, but surprisingly she's a heavy sleeper. I crept towards her door and twisted the doorknob while leaving out of her room I turned around just to make sure I wouldn't wake her.

When I finally made sure she wouldn't wake up I closed the door. I was getting ready to head back to my room since It was going on 2 a.m but was startled when I came face to face with Kylo.

"Jesus you scared me," I say, he just stared back at me not uttering a single word to me. I guess he's still pissed about me telling him off the other day.

I was about to walk past him since he wasn't saying anything and frankly, I didn't want him to but then I felt his hand grab my wrist and pull me back up against the wall.

"Why do you keep thinking you can disobey me Principessa," he says. I look into his eyes a little bit scared of what he might do next.

"Answer me?" he says strictly, I gulp and try to get out of his tight grasp that's still holding on to my wrist but fail miserably.

"L-let go, you're hurting me," I say trying my hardest to pry out of his hands. "I won't let go until you answer me, why do you continue to disobey me?!" he says pulling me closer to him.

"B-Because I hate you, you make me go insane to the point where I want to explode," I say getting frustrated. He looks at me with his dark eyes and chuckles.

"And what exactly do you think you do to me, you make me crazy in every way possible," he says pulling me closer.

I gasp by the sudden movement, "you make me want to rip off your clothes and explore your entire body" he continues until our faces are inches apart.

We look at each other for a few seconds until our faces finally connect. He moved his lips with mine and I felt a slight spark or shock between us I just didn't know why.

He moved his hand from my arm and snaked it around my waist, I moved my hand to the back of his neck. His lips were soft and plump he licked my lips asking his tongue for entrance and I accepted.

I let out a quiet moan, which made him bite my lip. "Keep quiet Principessa," he says lifting me up against the wall. I wrap my legs around his waist.

This feeling that I had was like no other and I didn't want it to stop. But all good things must come to an end.

He stops and puts me back on the ground, he swipes his finger across his bottom lip, now realizing what he had just done, and walks away, leaving me stunned.

"What the actual fuck just happened"
Word Count: 1097 words
A/N hey guys how did you like this chapter, also they finally kissed and it was so unexpected

  "What the actual fuck just happened"______________Word Count: 1097 wordsA/N hey guys how did you like this chapter, also they finally kissed and it was so unexpected

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