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                                 Kylo Stone

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Kylo Stone

I fucked up, I don't know what came over me I just had to have her lips on mine even if it was for a moment. Between kissing Davina and the stress that I've had lately I'm a mess.

After the whole lip-locking thing with Davina, I needed to blow off some steam, and no better way to do that than to torture someone.

Here I am with Maddox, skewering one of the rats that we found at our base. He had been assigned as one of our bodyguards to keep me and the rest of my family safe, but we soon found out that he was working for our life-long enemy the Russian mafia aka The Petrov Family.

The Petrov family have been our enemies for as long as our mafia has known, we don't really know much all we know is that the Italian mafia beat them once, and after that, they went into hiding know one knows why, but when they do come back we'll know all there weaknesses and strengths and we'll be ready.

It wasn't that hard getting the information we needed out of him because he cried and screamed like a bitch the whole time we were bashing and breaking each and everyone one of his bones.

We decided to bring in some reinforcements because he soon started to bleed out, and I needed him alive to get more information out of him. I needed to know why they sent him, and if there would be more things to come so we could be prepared for anything.

Soon enough the door to the chambers that I and Maddox were in was opened by none other than Kane. He may not look like reinforcements but he was the best at getting the truth out of people other than me and Maddox of course.

But unfortunately, he and I had other things to deal with it. Like figuring out how to deal with this whole rat problem and with the Petrov Family.

As me and Maddox are leaving the chamber he speaks "Hey, did you know Davina's Bestfriend is coming to the house". I shake my head and pull out a cigarette.

While lighting it he continues "Yea apparently they had this planned a couple of weeks before Davina's arrival, she's supposed to be staying until the wedding" he finishes.

This was a shock to me because Davina never mentioned anyone coming to visit, but why would she it's not like we actually speak to each other.

Yeah unless you guys have each others tongue down the other's throat, oh wait you don't speak then either.

Shut the fuck up you don't know anything

Yea just about you 'hating' Davina so much that you made out with her

God your so infuriating

Glad we both are on the same page

We finally make it upstairs and we start to make our way to my office when we're suddenly stopped by no other than Katrina.

"Brother," she says and nods her head towards me saying hello in the demeanor she uses when she's in one of her moods.Katrina has these days where she can be sweet and then in a matter of seconds deadly.

She also has these outbursts of rage, sometimes it's deadly other times it's not but right now I think it's deadly the way she's staring daggers into Maddox's skull.

He and Katrina don't get along they've always been like this either competing over one thing or arguing over another, I'm just glad he's one of the friends I can trust not to pull a move on my sister.

"Katrina" I nod back, she then pushes her way past us not sparing a single glance to either one of us. "I see she's pissed," Maddox says as we continue walking.

"When is she not pissed," I say back as we're walking into my office. I sit down at my desk and Maddox does the same. As I'm looking through papers on my desk about anything we can find on the Petrov family.

Maddox is scrolling through his laptop researching and skimming through anything useful he can find as well. We've almost got all of it when suddenly the door bursts open.

And in comes Kane all bloody still with the weapon that he used on the poor individual in the basement. "Hello, brothers," he says swinging the object around likes it's a toy.

"Can you please put the weapon down before someone gets hurt?" I say. He pouts but puts it down on the floor. He sits down on one of the couches and speaks again.

"Boo, Ky your no fun, and I can't believe you or my idiot brother here didn't pick up on the vampire diaries reference," he says, Maddox flicks him off without gazing off of his work.

"You watch that crap," I say confused as to who would actually sit and watch 8 seasons of vampires, witches, and werewolves do the same thing every season.

He shakes his head "yes and you should too you know it's not actually crap it's very fundamental for the mind plus who doesn't want to see two hot brother vampires fighting over a girl" he says.

"News flash I don't and you are so corny for watching that shit," I say flipping through more documents.

"Yeah well that's not what your girl and her best friend think who is by the way super hot," he says with a smirk.

I glare at him and say "she's not my girl and can you please leave already we're busy". He snaps his fingers and says "whatever, I'll be somewhere trying to get with that sexy woman downstairs and you never know maybe I'll invite your girl and maybe even your sister to join" he winks and closes the door.

My jaw is clenched so hard I think it might break. I know that Kane is known for joking but he took it too far and I may just end up murdering him soon.

"Hey did you find anything," Maddox says snapping me out of my trance. I shake my head and ask "you" he shakes his.

"Why can't we find anything about these guys" I grunt out of frustration. Maddox looks up and he looks like he knows the answer to our solution.

"What if we ask your dad maybe he knows something I mean he is still the mafia boss until you and Davina get married so maybe he knows something we don't," he says.

Why didn't I think of that it only makes sense for my dad to know something about these Petrovs he was alive before they went into hiding so he should know what happened that day.

"Ok new plan we go to my dads and we ask him everything we need to know about these Russian motherfuckers"
Word Count: 1219 words
A/N srry guys for the TVD slander I actually luv TVD but just thought it would be funny to actually write about someone hating on it also who loves them some Kane cuz I know I do ps the whole Katrina and anger issues is a little recap of why her room was the way it was😏😛

  "Ok new plan we go to my dads and we ask him everything we need to know about these Russian motherfuckers" ________________Word Count: 1219 wordsA/N srry guys for the TVD slander I actually luv TVD but just thought it would be funny to actually ...

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