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                                 Kylo Stone

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                                 Kylo Stone

"So your telling me she just walked out?" Maddox says pointing his gun at one of the targets. We were currently practicing our shooting not that, we needed it just to keep our skills up to date.

  So we wouldn't slack behind plus he just thinks he can beat my shooting range distance which he can't no one can.  He shoots the target and the bullet goes right into the head of the target.

  "Yes, that's exactly what I'm telling you she's so infuriating,and did you see the outfit she was wearing, it looked like she wanted attention" I say aiming my gun at the target.

  He turns to look at me and puts his gun down, "maybe your the infuriating one I mean you have been rude to her since she's arrived," he says.

  I shoot the target also in the head, and turn to look at my so called Bestfriend. "Who's side are you on, and when she arrived I barely said anything to her" I say.

  "Still rude and I'm on your side I just think you should try to be less, you," he says nonchalantly and turns around to leave the shooting range.

  I follow up behind him and say "what do you mean to be less me" he turns to a stop and says "You know less intimidating and uptight". 

  I know that I'm both of those things but I kind of have to be if I'm going to be the new don of the Sicilian mafia.

  "You know you can't talk to me like that, I am your boss," I say as we step into the elevator to go to my office.

  He chuckles and says "First your not my boss your father is and second I can talk to you however I like because I'm your Bestfriend and you love me." He puts his arm around my shoulder.

  When the elevator dings I push his arm off and say "I will be once I get the throne and just because your my bestfriend doesn't mean I won't kill you in an instant".

  "Ouch, anyways what are you going to do about Davina and Katrina" he says once we make it to my office.

  " I don't know, you know how Kat is she doesn't listen to anyone and Davina is complicated," I say sitting at my desk.

  Maddox sits across from me he's about to speak when Katrina bursts through the door with an irritated look on her face.

  "What did you do?!" she shouts coming toward me. I stand up from my seat confused as to what she was talking about. "What are you talking about, Katrina" my Italian accent thick.

  "What did you do to Davina?!" she says anger fuming out of her mouth. I've never seen Kat this upset about anything or anyone, so what's so special about Davina.

  "Katrina, I didn't do anything to her," I say getting upset that she would believe her over me, I know that it seems childish but she's only known her for 48 hours and she's already fighting for her.

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