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                           Davina Sinclair    I was playing with my dolls when my mom suddenly came in all frantic

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Davina Sinclair

I was playing with my dolls when my mom suddenly came in all frantic. "Sweetheart thank god you are safe," mom said as she burst into my room

She pulled me up and carried me towards dad's office. "Mommy where are we going," I ask confused. "It's okay sweetheart we're going someplace safe," she said.

"B-but where's Daddy," I asked. " Daddy's on a work trip he'll be back soon," she said placing me on one of the couches in dad's office. "But where are you going," I ask again when I see her leaving out the door.

She put her finger against her lips signaling for me to be quiet. "I'll be back sweetheart, just stay here okay," she said closing the door behind her.

When she left I then heard multiple gunshots, I got up off the chair and ran out of the room to go find mom. But when I got there I was too late I ran to her and held her I tried to scream but nothing came out.

I screamed and screamed but nobody came. I was all alone. Mom was gone and I was all alone I've been all alone all this time. Dad left when Mom and I needed him most, he always leaves when I need him most.

I woke up from a cold sweat, and with my head beginning to throb I looked around the room but there was nobody there. I was in an unfamiliar room with no one around.

I got up from the bed trembling as I took one step at a time. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see a purple bruise on my right cheek. And for some reason, I couldn't remember anything from last night.

I left out of the bathroom and was about to open the door out of the room. But when I opened it I saw Kylo holding a tray of food. He cleared his throat and spoke, "I didn't think you were awake".

I looked at the food and then at him, I wasn't really paying attention because I was starving. "I um is that food," I said reverting my eyes to the food. He nodded and handed me the tray, scratching the nape of his neck I thought of how awkward it must be for us to just be standing here looking at each other so I invited him in.

It didn't occur to me that I had just let him into a room that didn't belong to me. So I decided to ask him "Who's room is this," I ask while digging into the freshly made pancakes, another question that I needed to ask was how did he know what my favorite breakfast was.

He didn't look at me instead he just kept looking at the plate of food. He must be hungry, I handed him a bite of my pancakes. At first, he shook his head but I insisted considering he did have this breakfast made for me.

He took the bite that I handed to him and swallowed it. After he was done he spoke, " It's mine". I almost choke on my food, when those words were uttered out of his mouth.

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