Chapter; Ten

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Kazuha was excited to see Scaramouche again, his face practically beamed with joy as the waves crashed against the side of the ship.

He could see the Inazuma docks coming into view. In a mere twenty minutes, the ship had docked and the plank was placed down, several passengers already wandered off into Ritou.

Kazuha walked up the path to the small hut he owned. He placed his stuff down and started unpacking his belongings.

After all of his items were placed in their appointed locations, Kazuha closed the door shut and started walking to Inazuma city.

On the way, he saw a camp of Fatui chatting to each other over drinks. He had heard of a popular drink among Fatui from Scaramouche, labeled "Fire Water". It is a specialty of Snezhnaya, therefore the popularity amongst Fatui.

It reminded him of Scaramouche, as he once offered him a bottle. He refused, as the drink was a very strong wine. To be reminded of this moment only fueled Kazuha's desire to meet Scaramouche.

Kazuha started picking up the pace with every step he took. This continued until he sprinted down the pathway, nothing on his mind but Scaramouche.

He ran until he tripped and started falling forwards, the moment before he hit the ground however, somebody caught him.

Kazuha's face was stuffed into their chest from the fall, so he couldn't see who it was. But it didn't matter, he knew immediately once he heard the voice.

"Kazuha.. You're back..." Kazuha couldn't help but to hug Scaramouche tightly with his face still stuffed in his chest.

Scaramouche flushed red, but didn't push him away, he hugged back and with tears forming in his eyes.

Tears spilling down Kazuha's face, as well as Scaramouche's. Scaramouche finally decided to break the hug, and instead grip onto Kazuha's hand.

He held it tighter for a moment, before pulling Kazuha closer and kissed him on the lips. Kazuha was shocked, but didn't move away, instead embracing in the kiss.

When they broke the kiss, Scaramouche still had his hand gripped onto Kazuha's. He turned around pulled Kazuha with him, gently dragging him along.

Scaramouche led him to the place he and Sayu were at before. It was a little shack in a forest, owned by Scaramouche.

He owned the shack before he joined the Fatui, so he considered it home. He led Kazuha inside, letting him get comfortable.

Scaramouche sat down and it was silent for a while. Scaramouche spoke up to break said silence, just asking about his return to Liyue.

"The trip wasn't too rough, although it was hard leaving you behind without saying goodbye."

"You know... why don't you tell me why you left so suddenly?"

I'm gonna leave you guys on a cliffhanger cause I'm evil 😈

Thank you all for helping this book reach 1K reads! This book is progressing fast, and I don't know how to think of it.

It's amazing, don't get me wrong! But I don't know if I should be getting this many reads for writing trashy stuff like this.

There are other books out there that are way better, so I'm honestly surprised I got this far in a month and a half.

If I will be able to, I will try and brew up ideas for a 1K special. The 1K special chapter won't count towards the story itself however. It will just be a little thank you chapter for the support.

If you want, you can leave ideas for the special! I'm free to any suggestions for future chapters as well!

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