Chapter 6: Spy of sorts

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Gabriella fixed the wrinkle of her suit, eyeing herself in the mirror. She pulled her hair in a high ponytail, walking around the room to put on her shoes. Marc stayed in her room for a few more hours before heading back to his flat before Steven wakes up and try to take the body back. That would be another story. And it would mean chaos and a lot of acting from her. Though she didn't mind lying, it's just that she can't do that to Steven. The man was the epitome of innocence and cute, she can't do that to him. Her nonexistent conscience would be screaming at her if she did that. And that would suck.

"Steven would be needing your help as Hiraya."

The sentence that Mayari had brought her felt...worrying. Though Gabriella knew it wasn't for her. Steven and Marc had been staying in her mind ever since she met both. She thought that they just intrigued her, maybe she's just curious on how their identities work. But the pounding of her heart and the butterflies in her stomach says otherwise. And terrified her to bits. She hid a lot of things, and maybe her past was with them. The past she tried to desperately wanna forget. Trying to bury it deep down until even the most skilled mind readers can't dig down that deep to her. And Falling in love left a very huge toll on her life. She wasn't letting that happen again.

"Alright." She mumbled, satisfied with her look for the day.

She was aiming for something professional, but something more comfortable so she could move with ease. Steven is gonna be in danger as Mayari puts it, she's gonna have to rescue him. Might as well look good when having a fight with some jackals and men. And it makes her look less suspicious when she dressed like that. Though her entrance later would say otherwise. Because she can't keep a secret that wasn't hers. Even if it saves her life. Just kidding. She's not that weak. Or stupid.

"If you keep on making yourself look pretty, Steven would be dead when you get there." The sudden voice of Khonshu said, snapping her out of her trance.

"You can't blame me Khonshu, I gotta look good when I fight. Might as well get bitches while saving the world." Gabriella said, tracing baybayin words through the air as she teleported somewhere in the container rooms.

"You're looking for a suitor when you clearly have feelings for both-" Khonshu's question was cut off as she glared at him deadly.

"Finish that sentence, I'm talking shit about you in front of Mayari." Gabriella snarled, running across the hallways trying to find Steven Grant.

"You are afraid, little star. I can feel it in your soul. I assure you, you have nothing to fear." Khonshu says, following her moves as she neared the container where Steven was.

"Love made me do bat shit crazy in my past Khonshu." Gabriella commented, just as she reached the place where Steven currently stood.

Gabriella glanced at the God, before yanking the door open to see a very startled Steven who was facing his own reflection. Steven looked at her in confusion, his heart picking up it's pace as she stood there in her glory. Sunglasses hung on the bridge of her nose, raising a brow at his current state as of now.

"Hello Steven." She greeted though a smile wasn't offered in Steven's way.

Steven, though startled stared at her in awe. She still rocked business suits, looking as professional as ever. Her aura just blows him away, and it made his heart do summersaults on it's own. He was practically growing a butterfly zoo in his stomach when she's around him. Everything about her draws him on her. And it confused the heck out of him.

"What are you doing here?" Steven asks her, confused at her sudden appearance and her act.

He had been asking the same question as Marc. How could she make him fall for her in just a span of three days? Is she some kind of drug that he didn't know he was taking? Is this all a dream? Is this some kind of a story that doesn't go well with logic and plot? Steven didn't know. And the author was just breaking fourth wall because she wanted more words on this chapter. Good word Spidey. (that was sarcasm)

"Put that bag down, let's go." She told him sternly, though the man didn't even bulged, maybe he did cause Gabriella's tone was too scary for a man like him.

"No. Are you with Marc? Are you lying to me from the beginning? What are you?" Steven spitted out his questions, hoping that Gabriella wasn't an alien of some sorts.

"No I didn't lied to you Steven. I just kept things from you, and that's different from lying. I'm just a.... Spy of sorts." Gabriella says, gesturing for Steven to calm down whilst he shook his head.

"Spy of Sorts? Care to elaborate? Because I'm freaking out over here." Steven breathed, walking around like a madman while Gabriella just puts her hand in her pocket.

"I was tasked to keep an eye for you Steven. I am here to protect you, at all cost. That's what I came here for. And I want you to calm down because you won't understand a thing if you keep panicking and being difficult." Gabriella assured, licking her lips in dismay.

"I thought you were my friend." Steven tells her, a bit hurt of what the girl had revealed.

"I am your friend. And you are also my friend. Now I want you to calm down, and relax." Gabriella says, walking closer to Steven as he backs off from her.

"I can't relax knowing that these hands had blood staining on it. I don't like it. I hate it. It's making me sick to my stomach. I'd rather get put in an Asylum if I get close to someone who had killed in cold blood." Steven rambled, walking to the bag and exiting the place.

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