Chapter 11: Piece of Shit

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Both entered the hotel, carrying their own belongings and bags. Marc had offered to carry her bag but she refused, insisting that her strength wasn't of normal people. She can lift a ton without changing a single shade. That was proven, maybe I'll tell you what in her Origin chapter. Fuck I just gave a spoiler. Anyhow, both went in their separate ways to their own bedrooms as they prepared for more action in the following days.

"Your heart belongs in the right place little star. You just have to endure the pain it may cause. I assure you, your trust on me would never broken despite the lack of foundation in my voice and tone. I am still your God, and you're my avatar. I care greatly for you."

Mayari's warning left her into smithereens. The uncertainty of her tone was something that send Gabriella in a great conclusion that Mayari wasn't being alright with sharing this information with her. She knew Mayari can foresee the future, and she knew it might damage her either emotionally or physically. Gabriella had put trust in Mayari, she wasn't afraid.


Well this isn't what she's supposed to do but, Marc was gone in his hotel room and she had no shit to do. So she did all the sane person does all the time. Research. That's how she ended up with a man called Anton Mogart in search for something called Senfu's sarcophagus. It would determine where Ammit's tomb without the scarab that's in possession of Marc before Harrow got his hands on.

"Miss Corazon! The beauty and the brains of Asia." Mogart greeted with a very bright smile, delighted at the presence of a Billionaire famous around Asia.

"Please, Gabriella is enough Mr. Mogart." She smiled, keeping her sunglasses on even if the sun was starting to set as the moon was almost high above the sky as darkness surrounds it along with the few bright gloomy stars.

"A presence such as yours would be one of the most honorable event in my life. What would be your reason to grace us with such presence?" Mogart had questioned, leaning in to kiss her knuckles while she allowed him too.

"I heard that you're in possession of an ancient relic called Senfu's sarcophagus. A relic I've been looking for since ages." She shrugged, as Mogart bit back a sigh.

"A relic? For what reason is it my dear love?" Mogart inquired, quipping his head at her direction as the girl shrugged seemingly in trance.

"My family had been looking for ancient artifacts from Egypt, preserving them for time. Unfortunately, they passed so I came here to collect. I'd be willing to pay Millions my dear Anton Mogart." Gabriella uttered in fake sadness, though she knew that it looked too convincing to be considered as an act.

"Millions? Well then, let us negotiate. Your sorrow and mourning must've come with it. Who am I to refuse such offer from a very beautiful woman such as you? The clues on it were pointing to nowhere. I'd rather sell it to someone than have this worth nothing." Mogart had asked, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Oh my dear, thank you." Gabriella said, faking happiness in her face as her hands clasped themselves on his muscular arms.

Sealing the deal off, the sarcophagus was sealed shut while a bunch of pieces of papers were in a briefcase as she took it with her hand. Gabriella shook hands with Mogart, a small fake grateful smile on her face. It's the art of having such beauty to get what you want. The scar was nothing against it, because it highlighted the beauty of what she's been through and the amazement of how she survived something that must've been too much for someone like her. Though that was far from what Gab felt. It was a symbol of failure, to keep herself beautiful and almost screw up her facial features just because of the rather large cut across her own face.

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