One Shot

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That one shot where I did an alternate ending where Gabriella helped Khonshu instead of Jake. Sucking up for the reads lmao. I just drafted this. And I think you deserve to read Loki's final appearance from the Afterlife.

She sat on the floor, resting her back and head on the bed's edge trying to dry her eyes out from tears. Her throat felt too dry, too empty to even form a mumble or a hum. She sat in loneliness, and darkness as she recalled his tears, his begs, and his bargains.  She blinked, tears spilling from the edge of her eyes while she stared into almost nothingness. Steven had begged for her not to go, asked her to stay with him, told her that she doesn't have to do anything. Just don't leave him in the dust. She stayed there, in the verge of dehydration whilst she waited for the outside world to burn down and crash. Just like how it did treated her.

Then Mayari told her that the world needed her help. Without any energy to do so, she forced herself to get up. The emotions and everything had came crashing down on her body as she desperately tried to cling on anything. Steven nor Marc was out of it, they made it clear that the girl they were looking for was the epitome of perfect. And Layla was the very candidate to say the least. She was nothing than a bridge connecting both edges that seemed to withstand everything together. She was just a dirt on the path of forever, why should she stay?

She landed on the ground, her empty eyes seething with emotional pain. She levitated from the ground, doing her very best ability to fly around Cairo. She did, eventually. Though she saw Marc (or what she thought) and Layla on the ground seemingly alright. And so, she resorted into helping Khonshu instead of the Knight. Khonshu needs her help more, seeing as the God is currently having his ass handed on him with such force.

She gulped, knowing that maybe this is where she ends, this is where her heart stops and she'll be finally be reunited with her beloved that she choose to forget for a man that's too good for her. Gabriella flew, hitting the goddess, Ammit on the face as the female god stumbled upon the mortal girl's force. Khonshu huffed out air, trying to get up from where he laid, watching as the mortal he saw as his daughter fight for him. She summoned multiple weapons at once, the strongest ones she had, yet it never even made a dent on Ammit's skin as it was made of crocodile scales.

The moonlight shone upon her hand, blinding the said goddess before kicking her right in the chest. Ammit stumbled, falling on the ground not believing what she was experiencing. A mortal human, with a remarkable strength and wit. The mortal was perfectly balanced, her pure determination, honesty, and loyalty struck the goddess full force. Someone like her is worth of being an Avatar, though it seemed like Gabriella had her own god now.

"Such a shame someone as you, Gabriella is taken for granted. Your heart is bound to beat it's last pumps this very moment, yet you seemed... fearless. Too fearless even. Come with me, I can save you. Be my avatar, I'll give you life." Ammit had spoken, her voice taunting and in dire need for what Gabriella had to offer.

"I'm sorry Ammit, but my time has come. All I wanted was to be reunited with the one I loved, and then I could be happy. I cannot cheat my way into fate, therefore I'm alright with loosing a life than to live with a large dept in a god who wanted nothing but unfairness." Gabriella returned, her answer not pleasing the female god.

"I admire you for that, it's a shame you won't see the world I'd be ruling once I win."

Gabriella wasted no time, gradually manipulating gravity ay the best she can as the god floated in the air with no control what so ever. Khonshu had nothing to do than watch, fate is sealed and seems like Gabriella had accepted it with full heart. A broken heart such as hers could be mend, but it's not his Avatar than can. Gabriella deserved being happy too, she deserved having to spend her forevermore with someone she truly believed she deserved. And it was enough assurance that she would be okay. It was enough that Gabriella would finally be at peace.

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