Chapter 20: A Tittle

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Steven's confession wasn't what she expected. It warmed her heart, and maybe she understood. Jake had specifically asked her if she could meet him at the park, though she didn't knew that the guy would set her up to go and talk to Steven, and Marc. Jake was probably created to protect and take care of both Steven and Marc. It pushed a small heater up in her heart to know that Jake took it to heart to make both feel better. Even in his secretive and mysterious ways.

"I didn't know how we got here though. All I knew was Marc taking over then passing out. Then we wake up in here, then you appeared." Steven continued on the story, munching his sandwich while Gabriella nodded.

"You said you are looking for a job, yeah?" Gabriella asked softly, staring at the view in front of both of them.

"After the thing with Khonshu, yeah I got fired from the museum." Steven mumbled, glancing up at her face.

"Work for me, as my personal assistant. I'm looking for one more to fix my schedules and to maybe someone to take with me during business trips around the world." Gabriella blurts, the man choking on his food coughing violently.

"No. I can't take that. Your forgiveness was enough, you've already done plenty." Steven declined, shaking his head while Gabriella pats his back.

"I need another assistant. And I want someone I already know. And you won't have to do as much as you did on your gift shop job. I'll be your boss, and I'll be good to you." Gabriella explained, while Steven did a double take as he looked in his reflection.

"Personal assistant? Are you sure? I'm pretty clumsy you know." Steven asked her, making sure she wasn't driven by pity.

"Steven, all I'm gonna ask you is to arrange my schedule and accompany me around in business don't have to do anything other than that." Gabriella explained, Steven nodding in return.


"Getting tired love?" Gabriella asked lightly, kicking some man in the balls as she threw him off the window with ease.

Constant flirting and a lot of dates happened behind Marc and Steven's back as if she was cheating on them. She wanted to tell them, though she knew it's not her secret to expose. It'll be a matter of time before they find out anyways. She'll have to stay out of the way, Jake will handle it himself. Maybe she'll cover for him when he needs to. Until then, she's contented with helping Steven and Marc get closure while falling in love with the latino/new yorker alter that Marc had no idea existed.

"Going around the world with you would never get tiring my sweet." Jake responded, passing over her as he toon care of more guys around the place in a swift motion.

"Oh I love it when you call me pet names." She hummed, stabbing someone in the throat watching blood splatter on her hand before retracting her hand holding the dagger.

A man behind Gabriella raised his gun, firing it at the girl. Jake sees it, summoning the suit as the cape defects the bullet successfully saving the girl before it could hit her. She turned around as Jake took a glance at her making sure she's alright. She smiled softly, nodding at the man assuring him that she was alright.

"Be more careful." He warned her, running past her as he took on more guys.

She chuckled lightly, running in the opposite direction to retrieve the vial containing the main source of power inside the base. These people were corrupted, with the same vial that she held in her hand. It makes them do crazy shit, as far as they could. They have slaughtered and tortured men, though not as bad as what Gabriella had done before. She took off the seal, using her bare hands to crush it down to pieces.

"This smelled so bad." She mumbled, summoning her suit before it could corrupt her.


"Marc? What are we doing in China?" Steven asked in wonder, looking out the window of his hotel room as he glanced at the mirror just beside his bed.

Steven didn't know what happened because he woke up literally across the world. All he remembered was going to sleep 10 pm on Monday night, then he saw himself in China 10 am in Thursday. There random black out were happening again, though it wasn't Marc this time. He thought maybe Marc was lying on him, but Marc was trustworthy and he'd know if it was Marc.

"What do you mean, what are we doing in China? I thought you were in control?" Marc argued back, seemingly just noticing the change of environment around him.

"I swear it wasn't me." Steven argued, Marc opening his mouth to argue back when a sudden knock on the door interrupted their argument.

Steven lightly groans, stalking forward to the door to see who had come to disturb them. He swung the door open, hearing the silent creak of it as it revealed his friend, well boss technically. Gabriella stood there holding a plastic full of chinese take out.

"Steven! Glad you're finally awake. Let's eat." Gabriella smiled softly while Steven lets her in as confused as ever.

"How did I—How did we get here?" Steven asks her in confusion.

"What? You volunteered to come with me here. You did my schedule, and you even carried my luggage for me. You said you'll be alright with travelling." Gabriella lied with a chuckle knowing Steven nor Marc didn't know how to pinpoint her lies.

"I did?" Steven asked her, frowning in disbelief at himself.

"Wait, maybe it was Marc? I don't know. It's hard to tell when you change accents." Gabriella wondered, faking everything to cover up for Jake.

"It's not me, Steven. I swear." Marc tells Steven, still refusing to front as the British pursed his lips.

"It's not Marc either. I'm starting to doubt that there's another alter lingering right under our noses." Steven informed, while Gabriella frowned.

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