Chapter 8: Khonshu's Hidden Plans

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She ran around the alleyway, her smirk evident on her face. The dark alley had no source of light except for the moon above, shining lightly giving off the cold vibe between two buildings. Gabriella smirked, the injury being in no problem as she pulled out a sword from the air, placing her foot back so she could steady herself when fighting.

"Wala kayong panama sa akin mga puta." She smirked, using her native language as she charged at the animals only she can see.

(You guys are no match for me, you fucks.)

She bend down, escaping the jackal that had tried to get her through the air as she kicked down the other in the face. Her face was morphed into confusion as she felt blood trickling down from across her face. This would take weeks to heal, she already have enough injuries for a whole month to do all completely. It would leave a scar, and she was fairly sure of it. Her blade shone in the moon before using it to decapitate the other's head. She watched as the monster turned into dust, leaving her with the remaining one. She gripped her sword, waiting for the jackal to pounce on her in any second as of now. And it did. She kicked it's face, plunging the sword deep on it's eye as she watched it squirm in pain, screeching. It soon turned to dust, with her standing there with a proud sinister smirk on her face.

"Putang Ina." She cursed, running back to where she last saw Steven.

She found no one, as people on the streets began murmuring about what had happened previously without her. Marc must've had taken control with his body, mainly because Steven didn't know how to even punch someone. Much more of something. She sighed, mustering her breath as she ran back inside to find Layla who was riding her scooter.

"Harrow has the scarab." Layla informed, driving away just like that.

"This is so stupid." Gabriella sighed in defeat, the wound kept bleeding out as she sighed tracing words in thin air once again.

She teleported, where Marc stood. Mainly because she was too tired to even walk, and the bones in her body is still healing while she bleed on her face. Marc looks at her worriedly, while she waved him off sitting on the stairs as Khonshu looked at her in concern.

"Steven asked if you were alright?" Marc asked, shifting his eyes to her cut while she nodded.

"It'll heal, maybe two weeks. My back and bones were still healing." Gabriella groaned, sliding off and leaning herself in the mirror.

"You have a lot of powers, and your healing is shit." Marc commented, sitting next to her as she laughed.

"Unlike you Marc, I love getting injured. It was too rare that I get injured in missions. Ask Khonshu, he knows." She chuckled, weakly.

"You sure you're alright, love?" Steven asked, still in the mirror observing her every move that only Marc can see.

"You're about to pass out." Marc said, while she grinned sleepily.

"I just need a small rest. You guys head to Egypt or something. Harrow had the scarab. Our only chance of beating this mission." She muttered, waving off the symbols through the air as she disappeared in thin air.

"Is she gonna be alright?" Steven asks him, looking worriedly at the spot where she stood.

"What? You like her or something?" Marc scoffed, looking at Steven who shifting his eyes to the side.

"Who wouldn't? I see the way you look at her, you like her too." Steven informed, Marc waving it away as Khonshu secretly smirked.

Khonshu had been courting Mayari, thousands of years from now. Both fell in love with each other, yet never seemed to be having the courage to even acknowledge about it. Both had eyes for each other, deciding to court maybe forever. You can't blame Khonshu for not falling for the Goddess. She was the epitome of beauty, grace, and humility. She was too kind for her own good, that's why he suggested the idea of an avatar. An avatar whom would help her defuse evil and bring good by putting blood in their own hands.

And there comes the woman who killed, a woman who had too much blood in her ledger even at the age of nine. She was proclaimed as Mayari, yet her moves screamed to be the moon itself. She was splitting the image of Mayari herself, that's what drawn the goddess to pick her as her one and only Avatar. Both had seen her future, a love between four souls. One being her. And the others, being Marc, Steven and another one. (you know who it was, i know you do). Khonshu assembled the perfect plan, stopping the evil and developing a feeling called Love along the way. Even if something may break along the journey. To find a new soul to be made happy.

"The wound will scar." Marc mumbled, looking up at Khonshu who nodded his head in agreement.

"Scars were maps of people's journeys and how they've escaped it. It was a map of adventure and a mark of survival. She wouldn't mind it. She sees things the way Mayari does. That's how she became Mayari's avatar in the first place." Khonshu stated wisely, Steven licking his lips in frustration.

"You got a thing on her too?" Steven awkwardly asked, Marc looking at Khonshu in disgust.

"No. I am courting her Goddess, I would do no such thing. I believe she already have her eyes upon you, idiots. And I see her as my child, that would be inappropriate." Khonshu muttered, disappearing into thin air.

"Is she coming with us to Cairo?" Steven asks his alter, Marc nodding in return.

"She's one of the people that would keep you safe. She wouldn't have to had broken bones and a scar if it weren't for you not giving me control immediately. I told you to give me control, she wouldn't have to get hurt." Marc tells Steven, walking away from the building to pack his stuff for the trip to Egypt.

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