Chapter 1: Declaring war

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(Washington DC)

In the airport, F/N arrived in Washington DC, he takes a lino towards white house.

(White house)

President Y/N and F/N shack hands.

Y/N: Kaiser.

F/N: President.

Y/N: I sure you here?

F/N nodded sit down to his chair.

F/N: I gather intel of the army they attack.

Y/N: Can to explain?

F/N: The army who attack us was medieval time, They came from the gate in Hamburg.

Y/N: And New York.

F/N: Ja, Theys more, Their nation was saderan empire.

Y/N: Saderan empire?

F/N: Ja, Their leader named emporer molt sol augustus, he threeol simply, prince zorzal el caesar, Diabo and princess pina co lada.

Y/N: *Though* What kind of the idiot named their child named?

Both of them chucked of a second.

Y/N: Ok, go on.

F/N: the emporer was ordering the army to conquer three gates.

Y/N: Wait? Three?!

F/N: Yes, My intelligence said that the saderan empire conquer many lands, they kidnap slaves for many kingdoms.

Y/N eyes twisting in anger.

Y/N: So this... empire have slaves... and now they kidnap our people!

F/N nodded, he too hate slaves.

Y/N: *sigh* Thank you F/N Wilhelm.

F/N: Ja, we must act now! We don't want that empire sat foot on our soil!

Y/N: Yes, You may leave.

F/N left the office, Y/N sat down to the chair alone of the office. He sigh and close his eyes he open his eyes only his.... in the white room?

Y/N: Huh? Where am i?

???: You finally came my boy.

Y/N heard a voice, He turn around and see a beard man.

Y/N: W-Who are you?

???: You don't remember me little fox?

When Y/N look at him, he eyes when wide. He knows this person for a hundreds years! That's....

Y/N: A-A-Abraham Lincoln?!

Abraham smile at the fox boy

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Abraham smile at the fox boy.

Abraham: Your have a same personally since we met.

Y/N: I-I-I just-

Y/N was cutoff of the 16th President.

Abraham: It's ok my boy, here, drink tea.

Y/N takes a cup and drink it.

Abraham: So, what make you sad boy?

Y/N: Yesterday, The mysterious gate opens in new York city, and another open in Hamburg.

Abraham: I see.... go on.

Y/N: And soldiers with roman-like army who called themselves saderan empire attack my American civilians, and children won't spare.

Abraham eye twisting in anger.

Y/N: and don't forget about they kidnap my people has slaves.

Abraham: *piss* I see.... You have a new enemy.

Y/N nodded, having to know. Y/N remember confederate had black slaves, He hates the traitors for their own nations, He even remember they execute his parents in front of his eyes, that's why he hate slaves. He did remember he even kill Robert Lee, but he decided to ignore the past and focuses on the future. But, a new enemy was to conquer the land and even.... World domination.

Y/N: hundreds years since the civil war.

Abraham: I know my boy.... when the house divided, it divided itself.

Y/N: Thank you.

Abraham: Anytime my boy ;)

After that, he disappear leaving a trail of white smoke. Y/N begins to wake up in the office.

Y/N: I need to make announcements next week.

(Week later)
(United States of kitsune America)

Everyone were paying respect of their love ones since the new York city attack. But they were alerting in the live broadcast by the President Y/N.

Y/N: *Screen* My fellow Americans, hundreds years ago, I lived in the United States of America since civil war, I know is true, A new enemy know as saderan empire have rape, murder and even slaves. *US civilians gasp* This new enemy has to be stop, Me and the kaiserreich had decided to declare war on the empire and bring the end of the genocide.

The Americans cheer of his words

(German Empire)

The germans crys seeing their love ones die, but then, F/N was on the screen live.

F/N: *Screen* My fellow german people, we have been attack by the unknown enemy! They attack us! They even kill man, woman and children! *German gasp* This empire has no right to attack the german empire, Me and The President of United States has declared war on the empire! For the kaiserreich!

The german people cheer!

To be continue

(A/N: Ok, This is the end of chapter, I made the US-German regions flag

(A/N: Ok, This is the end of chapter, I made the US-German regions flag

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This is my design, so ya!)

Gate: Thus USKA and the kaiserreich fought themWhere stories live. Discover now