Alternate-History of USKA :D

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(A/N: I'm back hehehehehe, So this is the alternate-history of USKA, Conflict and Other things, I guess? so stay tune)

1862 - In the America civil war, The new organizations named Kitsune American or American fox (Note: Not relating to enclave) was the America organizations to help the union yanks from the traitor confederate states of America. The leader of the organizations named Y/N L/N, A half-human, Half-fox was the America general who hates slaves and traitor of Union, Many other union general think that letting a 9 year old boy with fox ears and tails into a rank was a bad idea, But President Abraham Lincoln think this child has skills to see dark with fox eyes and senses so that if the enemy will ambushed them, he called it the fox union division.

1863 - Y/N help the union stay alive, mostly the union soldiers thinks the child was a give of god who saved them from deaths, Y/N was awarded to commander, He tells Abraham Lincoln that he has a plan to win the war, Turning rifles into assault rifles.

The end of America civil war 1864

(A/N: Yes, I know it ended in 1865, I mean come on, this is the Alternate-History)

1864 - Hundreds of confederate soldiers surrender after losing a hundred of men in the battlefield, Robert Lee die by cannon ball in the trenches. The kitsune union division burning the confederate flag in disrespect and throw it in the dirt, the kitsune union division raise a America flag. No a new America flag with nine tail fox on it with white stars all around it.

1864/69 - The kitsune union division was suspended, Many union division soldiers decided to go home while General Y/N decided to retire that his vengeance on confederate who murder his adoption parents was over. In 1865, Y/N decided to head to the show in Washington DC, But Y/N heard that the President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by john wilke booth in the theater, Y/N want's revenge (yet again) for the murderer of the Abraham Lincoln. After 3 hours of searching, Y/N fined john and shoot him in the spot. Y/N got his revenge (again), He doesn't know why he killed john, But he only hates slavery across the south, But union soldiers found Y/N in the abandoned, general ulysses S grant, one union generals tells Y/N, "Did you kill him" He replied "Yes" They saw john lying dead in the floor, This gives the union soldiers cheer hearing the confederate assassin is dead. In 1866, Y/N Becomes the President of United States of America, Y/N abolished slavery in America. Y/N tells the USA that they were born equal, and not animals. In 1868, Y/N still never age since he has a ability to stay young age, His immortal child. In 1869, Y/N gives woman equal rights to do anything, even they allow to pat his hair, fox ears and fox tails. This gives America female to joined the army. But this conflict soon lead the America into a new war...


(A/N: Prussia never enter the war, They just watched the whole thing)

1870 - In the America, Anything was going normal, The economy begin to help Americans people, Racism discrimination was banned in America, and slavery was abolished. Many African-Americans got jobs, including the south too, (A/N: KKK Doesn't exist in this world, They see African-American has human beings and they welcomes them), This help many the white and black to get marry to each other. In Europe, France government saw a USA in the weird, They saw the child becomes President of United States of America, This gives french army to declared war on United States of America, Y/N heard that france has declared war on USA. Y/N can't start a war with the European peoples, so he advised a plan to get rid of the french before they reach the east coast. In april, Y/N learns that Britain joined the war since they plan to retake the America colonys in new York city, Y/N ask many scientists across America to build a war machine so that his enemy will never invade his mainland. His plan was to invade canada since they're joining the war too.

Gate: Thus USKA and the kaiserreich fought themWhere stories live. Discover now