Chapter 35: Oh Boy, We're killing the dragon pt.3

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Location: Falmart, Mount Tude.

3rd person pov

In the middle of the night, We see Lelei, Tuka, Rory, Yao, The dark elves and the two pathetic idiots arrived in mount tude.

Tony: Ok, We're here. I can't believe we're killing a real dragon. *Sigh* I just wish I can call air support to drop napalms.

Itami: Really Tony? -_-;

Tony: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

Yao: The flame dragons are asleep.

Tony: Well, We still have More C4 *Though* But I didn't bring a nuke ;-;

Itami: Ok, That will be enough. Me, Lelei, Tuka, Yao and the dark elves we'll be inside. And you two will be on guard.

Rory: Ok, *Turn to the humvee* Fluffy~ Come here girl~

In the forest, A metal creature in grey jumps and land on the ground, Rory smile see a robotic dog coming towards them.

In the forest, A metal creature in grey jumps and land on the ground, Rory smile see a robotic dog coming towards them

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Rory pats the panzerhaust the germans gave her.

Rory: Awww~ You look cute or deadly :)



Tony: You can go, I'll stand here with..... them.

Itami: O..... kay.


Timeskip brought to you by author been rape by a yandere girl.

Yandere: UwU~ I want to see you cock~



We see Tony, Rory and Fluffy (Panzerhaust) still guard the mountain.

Rory: Tony.

Tony: Yes?

Rory: Can you tell your..... leader?

Tony: You mean Y/N?

Rory: Yes, His a Demi-human. And his 9 year old. I see around are humans.

Tony: Well, He became President hundred years. He changed the country alot.

Rory: Really?

Tony: Yeah, Theirs a catch. Did you read about CSN or Confederate State of Nod.

Rory: Huh? What's that?

Tony: Oh, They're just a terrorist group that wanted to bring white supremacist around the country. We been fighting this guys for years.

Rory: Are you afraid they will come back again?

Tony: Unfortunately, No. 3 years ago, CKIA found the CSN HQ, But they're were not there. Has if they disappear.

Rory: Ok.

Tony: What about you rory? Did you have a love interested or something.


Rory Daydreaming.

We see Y/N and Rory on the bed.

Rory: Y/N~, You look saw small~ Can I touch your tails.

Y/N: A-Ah, Y-Yes rory.

Rory: What about your cock~

Y/N: That too~

End of Day Dreaming.

Rory:..... No one *Though* I need itami hentai videos now!

As both of them were talking, They're explosions in the cave.

Tony: Wait, Is that itami and others.

As both about to react, A kick hits tony and sends him flying back and land on the ground. Rory turn and wide her eyes. It's non-other than Giselle

 It's non-other than Giselle

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Giselle: Hello rory~

Rory: Giselle!

Tony gets up and see a dragon.

Tony: Why her clothes is small and had exposed blue?

To be continue.

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