Chapter 21: Trip to USKA Pt 4

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A/N: That's a nice oil you there, it would been a shame if someone..... takes it. >:)


Location: USKA, Washington DC, White house.
3rd person pov

We see President Y/N and the new visitors from special regions and the JSDF. The jsdf was curious how did he become President under his age, They can see him like 9 years old?

Itami: *Whisper to tony* Tony, Can you explain to me, Why did I see a child in the white house? And why did he become President?

Tony: *Whisper to Itami* Well, it's a long story. But not now.

Secret service agents open the door in the meeting, Special region girls and the JSDF saw USK generals waiting for them. Y/N sit down.

Y/N: Ok, Now everyone, You may sit.

Special regions and the JSDF did has he told.

Y/N: Now, Some questions *Turn pina* Can you tell me why your "empire" attack my country like that?

Pina: W-Well, we do this in our world, Rape, Murder and ever slave.

Pina could see USK generals and President Y/N glares at her.

USK general 1: Slave! Your "empire" killed Americans in new york city!

USK general 2: Yeah! Why did you take those American civilians anyway! Slave!

Pina: It wasn't my fault! Yes my kingdom did horrible things, But it is a way of life!

USK general 3: Way of life! You people discrimination those non-humans in the special regions.

USK general 4: I wish god can see your "people" are monster!

Bozes: Monster! How dar-

Pina: Bozes stop!

Bozes obeys.

Pina: *Sigh* Yes, it's true.

USK general 3: Really? Well, in that case, Here's our demands.

Pina: Demands?

One of the USK general give her a paper, When she read it, She was shock about this.


"Give us many Americans captive in your empire"

Pina: ._.

"Those who do slave will be sent to prison or even gulag"

Pina: ;-;

"Those who responsible for war crimes will be executed"

Pina: *Though* What?

"Gives your imperial generals for there war crimes"

Pina: Eh?

"Your vessels states will be taken away by USKA and Germany, Vessels states will be their own independent for the rest of the year"

Pina: *Though* What happening?

Itami and the jsdf saw what pina reading, They were shock and surprise about this.

Y/N: I know it may be true, But your empire has to come to the end. Even your army will attack us, They will be.... you know.... Execute.

Bozes: But! You can't do this, The Empire wi-

Pina: I will accept.

JSDF and The special region girls are shock what just heard.

Itami: Pina are you-

Pina: Yes Itami, *Turn to Y/N* Y/N, Please forgive me for my kingdom attacking your nation, Understand why you people hates slaves.

Y/N smile hearing that, He turn to Itami and the JSDF 3rd recon unit.

Y/N: And you must be lieutenant Yôji itami from...... J..... S....D....F?

Itami: It's JSDF.

Y/N: O-Ok, Now tell me, Why are you in Washington DC?

Itami: Well, From our world. The U.N. wants to make a peace congress, Many like USA, and NATO. 

Y/N: UN? NA.....TO?

(A/N: If you guys know, in this alternate-history, WW2 never happen! UN never invented, NATO doesn't exist, so is free from all)

USK general 1: I'm sorry, what?

USK general 2: U.....N?

USK general 3: What's is Nato anyway?

Itami: Well, The UN councils want know you and your history.

Y/N: Well, ok, Give me five weeks to prepare *Turn to tony* Lieutenant Tony.

Tony: Yes mr President.

Y/N: You have a nice house right, I want you to take our new visitors to live with you.

Tony: Yes mr President!

Tony, JSDF and Special regions girls left the room, leaving Y/N and the USK generals.

USK general 3: Mr President, I have a bad feeling about this.

Y/N: Why?

USK general 3: Pina will submit to her father and the senates, But the pro-war factions will never like this.

Y/N: Your right, Those pro-war senates are bad news.

USK general 2: Hey, what about the pro-peace senates, they just wanted peace.

Y/N: *Nodded* Good, They are the only ones that can stop this war.

*Knock* *Knock*

Y/N: Come in.

The door opens to reveal to be a men in the mid-20s.

Y/N: Oh, hey john, Did you have something?

John: Yes mr President, Hours ago, we detect a saderan army tents in the area.

Y/N: Wait? What!? Why!? And who the commander of that army!?

John: His name was zorzal (Dumbass), he was to see you in person.

Y/N: Well, Ok, Get the copper ready we are going to Dillman hill.

To be continue

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A/N: Made it myself.

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