Chapter 19: Trip to USKA Pt 2

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A/N: Remember kids, Look up and down while crossing the road.


Location: Falmart, Dillman hill, German-America occupied base

Itami and the others were packing and to head to USKA, Tony was there.

Tony: Ok, Everybody ready?

Itami: Yeah!

Pina: Uh tony, Are we going to your leader named Y/N L/N

Itami: Well, who ever he is? Or why did he named "USKA" for?

Tony: President Y/N created since 1960s or 1970s. Don't ask question.

Pina: *Though* I heard from father that Y/N was a demi-human, I don't believe him.

Tony: Now, Everybody into a tony bus.

Tony: Now, Everybody into a tony bus

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Itami: Wait!? We're riding that!?

Tony: Of course! I was a school bus driver 2 years ago. Now shut up and get inside.

Itami was about more questions, But couldn't, He sigh and went inside along with JSDF and special regions girls, Tony got on the driver seat.

Tony: *Turn his head* Ok, 3 rules you don't want to do in USKA. 1) Do not been racist against people, Everyone in America, Like Mexico and Canada since we annexed both of them.

Itami: Wait, wha-

Tony: They treated has equal in our old times. 2) Slaves in our country are abolished, Those who do slave will be sent to prison or one of my best friend in Russia "Gulag"

Tomita: *Though* Wait!? Gulag still exist!? Dafug?!

Pina: *Though* Prison!? And want is Gulag means!? Is this why they take those bandits in italican.

Kuribayashi: *Though* Gulag? Huh?

Tony: And finally 3) Don't call the President a kid.

Itami: Kid? What do you mean tony?

Tony: Most of the country, Like United States of Botswana mistake him as a 9 year old kid.

Itami: Tony, Is this a-

Itami notices a hand on his shoulder, It was rory.

Rory: I think tony telling the true.

Itami: What? Why?

Rory: I can feel his aura that he is not lying.

Itami was shock about this.

Itami: O-Ok.

Tony: Ready? Good!

Tony turns his key and start a engine.

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