Lost Friendship

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"Oh God" Rocco slumped back in his chair after hearing that. I squeezed his hand, giving him a sad smile.

"So we have to pay for something we didn't do, great. We're up against a water spirit, perfect" he sarcastically said and if i wasn't terrified too, I would've laughed at his demeanor.

"You know, the spirit was your grandmothers  spiritual husband" he said looking at me.

My mouth fell open in shock "what?"
"She slept with my father too"  Hakeem shook  head "unbelievable woman"
These are the kind of stories my dad used to tell me when i was younger but i never thought it was this real.

I looked at Rocco "i guess that's why they're making us pay with this attraction" i connected the dots
"Wouldn't complain if that was the only punishment" he said i widened my eyes a bit.

"Im just being honest" he shrugged.
He was right though. Being drawn to Rocco isn't at all bad.

I brought out a book from my bag which had a note of all the things we had figured out and pending things to figure out

"Face your destiny, bear the consequences, heavily you might die, spill the truth and uncover the genesis"

I showed him the note "we've found the truth out, does that mean we're free now?" I asked naively.
And Hakeem laughed "you were really hoping it would be that simple yes?" He asked

He sighed "you have to meet a spiritual person to remove the pact" he said
"My dad is a past-" i started but he cut me off
"No you don't understand" he said
"Then what?" i asked

"It has to be the person that sealed the pact or a stronger person" Hakeem said
"So what are you saying?" Rocco asked
"My father, your grandpa is wringley ville, you'll find him there" he said

"Papa is still alive?" Rocco asked and Hakeem nodded "he is but the question is for how long? We have to pray he doesnt die before the time is right"

"Die before we get to him right?" Rocco asked
"Not just that, for the pact to be broken, Dinah will have to wait for the right time" Hakeem spoke and i voiced out my thoughts "what do you mean right time?"

Hakeem replied "You have to wait for a pacific spiritual portal to be open" this all sounded like big drama to me.
"I honestly don't get, when?" I asked

" it's normally doing the course of your pregnancy. If you try to do the lifting now, you might die. You have to wait months into the pregnancy. From my research, it has to be at-least eight months, that's when the spirit are ready" Hakeem said

"God have mercy" Rocco exclaimed
"When the time is ready, uphill have more attacks.... That's when you go to grandpas house" Hakeem said.

I was so terrified that I couldn't bring myself to say anything. I tried to fight the tears but couldn't.
When Rocco noticed i was crying, he shifted his chair and pulled me towards him, my head resting on his chest.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this but you're strong and you can handle it, always remember that throughout this whole phase" Hakeem advised "it might seem like something is messing with your mind, your thoughts but know that it's nothing more than that" he encouraged.

I tried to control myself as Hakeem kept talking
"As the pregnancy stages increases, the pain does and you feel more drained"
"The spirits may try their best to stop you when you're making process, make you suffer. when they come, pray and chant אתה לא יכול לעמוד במשפחה, תעבור כי אתה לא שייך לכאן"
A Hebrew sentence for - You cannot abide in the kingdom, move for you do not belong here" he explained.
Rocco jotted the word down in my pad, nodding.

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