Chapter 1 New Life

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Hi guys! this is my first time doing a fan fiction, I got inspired with lots of talented writers here in Watt pad ... Hope you enjoy!!! =)


I do not own Naruto Characters.. Its owned solely by Kishimoto-Sensei!!!

Naruto, a 16 year old blonde lived a normal city life in Tokyo. But a sudden flipped of fate brought a drastic change in his life, a tragic car accident took away his parents' lives leaving him as an orphan.

Being a minor and having no relatives to go to, his godfather Jiraiya decided to adopt him until he'll turn 18 and be able to claim his inheritance from his parents and to live and decide on his own.

Naruto, being close to his godfather agreed with the set up but he need to deal with the changes, huge changes. He need to live far away from the city life he is used to since his godfather is living in the country side thousand miles away from Tokyo.

"Trust me boy, you will love it there!!! especially the ladies huh" Jiraiya smirked as he pat Naruto's head.

"Jeez pop, stop being a perv -ttebayou!" he muttered as he looked at the landscapes from the shinkansen's window.

"Guess you need to live with it son, well until your 18 that is" his godfather gave him a big smile.

One of the reason why his godfather wanted to bring Naruto in the countryside is for him to have a fast recovery from the trauma of losing his parents. He loves the boy like his own son, that is why he wanted Naruto to call him Pop. He never had a family of his own that is why he consume most of his time writing books and novels, this is also the reason why he chose to settle in the countryside rather than the noisy cities.

"Are we there yet pop?" Naruto ask with a bored expression on his face. "We've been travelling for hours yah' know, my butt already hurts dattebayou!" he muttered.

"Not until the 4th station son" Jiraiya smiled fascinated at Naruto's bored face. He really do looked like his father, but acted much more like his mom. Remembering his late comrade bought sadness to Jiraiya's eyes which easily caught Naruto's attention.

"What's the matter old perv?"

" Want me to hit you in the face boy?" Jiraiya erased the sad thought and looked at the grinning lad.

"Being serious doesn't fit you pop!" Naruto smiled and stood up.

"Where you goin'?"

"I'll just take a leak "and excuse his way to the comfort room.

As Naruto make his way to the toilet he stopped near the train's closed door, walked near it and scanned the outside view. The never ending landscapes and grass fields occupied his vision.

"Dad, Mom I will be living away from you guys now" and uncontrolled tears came rolling down his cheeks.

"Dad, take care of Mom okay, or I'll kick your ass" he smiled as a pocketful of tears burst from his eyes.

"A-Uhm, a-are y-you o-okay?" he heard someone, a girl's voice, a soft and gentle voice a voice that is full of concern that can touch anybody's heart.

He wiped his tears using the back of his hands pulling the sleeves of his black sweatshirt before he turned around to see where the voice is coming from. He would not want to look stupid especially in front of a girl.

And there stood a beautiful girl about his age, she has a long hime cut midnight blue hair that hangs perfectly up to her waist. Her pale skin complements her equally beautiful unique lavender eyes. She wore a lavender colored ruffled blouse with a white knitted cardigan partnered with a white skirt that flows just right above her knee. Naruto also find it cool that she is wearing a black high cut boots.

"Y-you c-can u-use m-my ha-hand-ker-chief i-if y-you w-want to" she offered her violet floral handkerchief to Naruto avoiding his gaze as she noticed that he is staring at her intensely.

"A, ano, Thanks," he answered still gazing at the blushing girl in front of him, as he reached for the handkerchief a running child accidentally pushed the girl's back making her lose her balance and fall towards Naruto. Naruto on the other hand quickly grabs the girl and shift his stance to maintain his balance preventing the two of them to fall to the ground.

"Are you okay?" he asked the girl who is now enveloped in his arms. He felt himself blushing as he was given an opportunity to smell her hair. The smell of lavender, that scent was known to calm your senses but right now he is nowhere close to being calm. A beautiful girl in his arms, a beautiful girl that he did not even know what the name is.

The girl opened her eyes, realizing their awkward position she blushed hard, her face a color of a tomato. Trembling, she quickly pushed herself away from Naruto's arms.

"So-sorry, I shall te-take ma-my leave now!" she stuttered saying the last two words so fast that its almost impossible to understand. She quickly bowed and run away towards a number of standing passengers making their way to the door where Naruto is standing near.

"Wait!" he shouted, he did not noticed that they already reached the next station, he moved away from the door as it opens to let the boarding and leaving passengers. When he looked again to where the girl ran a certain someone blocked his view.

"What yah doin boy? Lets go back to our seats we need to prepare our luggage, we'll reach our destination any moment now" his godfather said as he put his right arm across Naruto's shoulders dragging him towards their seats.

Naruto managed to have a second look at the direction where the girl disappeared. "Where is she? Maybe she already got off at the last station" he wondered. He then noticed something in his hands, her handkerchief, it is still with him. He opened his grip and take a good look at the piece of cloth.

And there written at the bottom corner of the handkerchief are the letters "HH" .

And there goes my first chapter!!! Hope you liked it, I'll try to update this every Friday.

If you found some faults kindly message me okay ;-)

Till the next update guys!!!

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