Chapter 3 - New School

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"New School"

Hi there!!! Sorry for the short chapters, I'll try to make longer ones.

Enjoy reading! Please do leave your comments.


I'll be playing with POVs starting with this chapter. :-)


Its six o'clock in the morning and a small orange leaf shaped alarm clock is already busy ticking aloud. Its owner was still asleep and did not even bother to open an eyelid as if hearing nothing.

Suddenly a series of loud knocking was heard at his door.

"Naruto!!! Shut that alarm clock of yours before I smash it to pieces!" Jiraiya shouted while banging Naruto's door. He was busy writing drafts for his book when he heard the alarm and its driving him insane since he haven't got any sleep yet.

"Naruto!!!" he shouted again, now much louder.

"Wha-what!?" Naruto drowsily opened his eyes, hearing the irritating sound of his alarm clock he immediately reached for it and deactivate the alarm.

"Finally! don't disturb this old man especially during Mondays! " He heard his godfather muttered from outside his room.

"Eh?!" Naruto scratched his messy blonde hair still sleepy, figuring out what was that all about. He was about to go back to sleep when something at the corner of his eye caught his attention. School Uniform.

"Aaah!, School!!! Today!!! Geez!!! I'm gonna be late, I'm gonna be late!" Naruto jumped out of his bed.

Clothes were flying everywhere literally, his bed a mess, his room looked like a storm just passed by. Having a new room did not helped him at all to move faster.

After searching for his towel he immediately stormed inside the shower, after 20 minutes in the bath he came out and put on his new uniform. Black colored pants partnered with a white polo "Seems normal" he said remembering his old uniform. "At least the color is not weird unlike the old one."

He reached for a black coat and put it on. "Yosh! That'll do it".

He looked at himself at the mirror and tried to fix his messy blonde. Unfortunately his hair doesn't want to be bothered so he let it as it is and just accept the fact that he has been defeated again by his own hair. Someday I'll gonna have you trimmed he thought.

He rushed down to the dining room just to find it empty, he stopped and sighed. "Mom" he whispered remembering her mother holding a platter of bacon smiling at him, and his dad at the other end of the table reading newspapers, a cup of coffee on his left hand.

He shook his head to get his mind off his past before he would end up crying.

"Old man!!! Wheres the breakfast!!!" he ran upstairs to his godfathers door.

"What?!-" his godfather exclaimed as he opened the door. His expression changed when he saw Naruto in his uniform.

" Oh!? A- sorry boy it slips my mind, i have my dues today!" Jiraiya explained panicking. Actually he himself don't eat breakfast 'coz he usually wakes up late.

"Geez!!! Seriously?!" Naruto muttered in disbelief and about to ran downstairs again when Jiraiya stopped him.

"I'll bring you to school, its your first day anyway and I bet you still don't know the route, lets just pick some food on our way" Jiraiya put some coat and immediately go downstairs and fetch his car keys.

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