Chapter 11 - The Visitor

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"The Visitor"

During the holidays Naruto went back to Tokyo to visit his parents' grave, Jiraiya said that it is the best time to do so since he had a couple of days off from school. Naruto also finds it as a good idea, besides he also missed the place- that's the place where he grew up anyway. But an image of a certain girl keeps poppin on his mind.

"Say Pop, there ain't goin to be any thunderstorms in the next two days right?" he asked out of the blue as he finishes his breakfast.

"Eh?! Mmmm lets see" Jiraiya turned the newspaper in his hands to a certain page.

"Hmmm ... Sunny- sunny-sunny... There you go it'll be sunny for the next three days..." he put the newspaper down and took a sip of his coffee.

"Yosh! Thats all I need to know, I'll leave tomorrow then" he exclaimed and immediately ran upstairs to his room to prepare his things.

"Youth nowadays do act weird sometimes... I am really gettin' old ..." Jiraiya sighed as he leave the dining table and went back to the study room to finish his drafts.

He arrived at the Tokyo train station at around eleven in the morning he instantly look for a place to eat- boy he was so hungry the five hours travel is not a joke, he immediately ran to a familiar ramen shop to satisfy his hunger.

After he ate three large bowls of ramen he scouts the place as if like a newcomer, turning his head here and there to every building. Its only been three days when he left this city yet it feels like a year or so. There were just too many things that's been happening to him lately, he thought to himself.

He then decided to go straight to his parents' grave before anything else and as soon as he came face to face with the eerie tall steel gates, all of the excitement were erased from his face and what was left were pure sadness. He entered the gates and dragged his feet some meters away towards two square marble stones lying in the grass.

"Hello dad!, Hi mom!" he said smiling yet his eyes shows a different emotion one cannot fathom. He placed a bouquet of flowers he bought along the way in the middle of the two graves.

"I missed you so much mom, dad... You two are being unfair you know that? ... Coz' I know that you are there and can always see me aren't yah' ? while me here ... I can't ... " he paused look at the clouds and took a deep breath.

Naruto sat on his feet and drew circles on the grass with his right index finger.

"Mom got something to tell yah' -ttebayou"

He looked at his mother's picture laminated on the grave.

"You said before that I should say it to you first right?... So Dad cover your ears okay! " looking at his dad's picture this time and returned his gaze to his mom's "Mom, I think I already had someone I like... I bet you'll gonna like her too" he smiled "she may not be such a loud mouth like yah' but she's strong ... Exactly like you mom." now his smile were accompanied with tears for in his head he saw pictures of his mom giving him a two thumbs up while introducing the girl he likes and his ever supporting dad giving him a pat on his head. Its just been a month since that tragic accident but for Naruto its been like years ... Oh he really missed them ... so much!.

And after an hour of staying he decided to bid his goodbye to his parents.

Naruto seek for his phone to check again for the name of the hotel his godfather booked for him.

He was checked-in for two days, two days would be enough- visiting his parents on the first day and to catch up with his friends on the second day. He reached the hotel in just 15 minutes by a bus.

He went straight to the hotel's lobby to ask for his room key, and off he go to seek for the room number engraved to the key card.

Naruto is now lying on a huge bed in a suite, yes a suite! Well, he do insisted to his godfather that a normal room in a run-down hotel would be enough since he'll just be away for 2 days. But his godfather would not let it go without a battle so he just raised the white flag to get it over with... He is the one paying anyway.

Naruto reached for his phone and write a message and sent it to a couple of people.

After a while his phone vibrates, expecting a message, he immediately scanned his phone only to find a familiar number... Kiba?

Kiba informed him that Hinata's dad will be arriving tomorrow evening, and their little blue haired damsel was now too stressed out to the point that she won't answer his calls.

"I'm tellin you man... Shes freakin' me out, well Hinata is Hinata she can be stubborn if she wants... But to the point of not answering my calls ... Geez, sometimes I just don't know what I'm gonna do with her..."

"What? Kiba is she okay by herself then? " Naruto nervously asked making him jumped out of the luxurious bed.

"Well she always answers that with a Yes!, but of course I don't bite that, you see since her father is coming... The Hyuga mansion were now full of people.. So she has someone with her now" Kiba said with amazement in his voice.

"Eh?! Why is that? Is there a party or something?" -Naruto.

"First, the care takers were there, then this afternoon I saw two limos entered the mansion's gate... Maybe some distant relatives... To celebrate the clan's head home coming of course -... Their clan have a great number of traditions to follow you see " Kiba explained on the other end of the line.

"Guess there's still so much for me to know about her..." Naruto smiled. "Eh Kiba.,?"

"Yeah?... Still here blondie" -Kiba replied.

"Who is Toneri?

"Toneri who?" Kiba asked without a hint of idea on his tone.

Naruto was surprised that even Kiba did not know who Toneri is...

"Eh?! Naruto? You still there? ... Is that a new anime or something? Is it good?... Naruto?!..."

Beep... Beep ... Beep...

"Eh? Not you too!!! Oi Naruto how dare you hang up on me!!!" Kiba was flustered the second time around.


"Toneri who?"

With that simple reply I unconsciously pressed the end call button. Kiba is her closest friend right? then why didn't he knew anything bout this Toneri guy. So Toneri being a relative of hers is now out of the options- and its making me more anxious as ever.

Again I slumped my tired body into the softness of the mattress, my mind was a bit off right now thinking bout her, on how to protect her... on how to be always be with her, I don't even know where to start or what actions must I do...

Maybe its not my brain's job now ... maybe its for my heart to decide ... ... ...

As I was about to let the tiredness take me to dreamland, a sudden knock was heard from the door.

Isn't it too early for cleaning? Mmmm maybe they've just forget something to tell me. Without even trying to use the peep hole to check the intruder I recklessly opened the door.

White arms flew around my neck as I saw silvery blonde hair under my nose. Geez!!! No... No... No... This couldn't be...


..... .... ... ... ... ... ..... .... ... ... ... ...

Sorry if this chapter is a bit crappy... I got frustrated bout something while writing this... I know I should stopped and let my head cool down first but the ideas are overflowing if I didn't put it in writing I'll be doomed.

Oh well, sorry for ventilating... I'll be busy with school tomorrow ... I'll try to update by Thursday 'kay smile emoticon

See you next chapter!!!

Thanks for the reads and the likes, you don't know how that digits makes me happy ! Take care yah'all.

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