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"This is all your fault, Gabriel."

This was about my fifth time saying this to him, of which he hadn't yet replied.

The teacher that was suppose to be monitoring us left long ago just to run to the bathroom and, I assumed, wouldn't be back until 5 minutes before our detention was up just to say that he did indeed monitor us.

It wasn't until today that I realized how scared everyone of Gabriel, and yet that still couldn't make me stop being mad at him. I was more than mad, I was furious.

"You saved the wrong guy, Gabe! It's like you're superman but you don't know who to save."

"Don't call me that"


Until this point I'd had my head in my folded arms, on my desk so I attested the fact that Gabriel hadn't responded yet, to the probability that he couldn't understand me as muffled as my words must have been. Now that I knew he could, its a wonder to his strength that he hadn't said anything to the very colorful names I called him.

I was certainly annoyed with him. It wasn't that I cared about getting a detention, it wouldn't be my first and with Gabriel around I was almost certain it wouldn't be my last. It was just that I knew my mom would freak and the last thing I wanted to hear about was this when I got home.

"I said Don't call you me that."

Gabriel sat a few sits ahead of me in the empty class room were our detention was being held. I knew he was addressing me but he had yet turned to look at me.

"I've called you a lot of things, my dear, I'm afraid you're going to have to be a little bit more specific about."

"Don't call me Gabe. We are not friends or anything of the sort. Don't call me that."

This just made me a little incensed, pissed, angry, all of the above. Here I was upset at partially Gabe for getting us in this situation and partially myself, and here he is cool as a cucumber and the only he cares about is a pet name. I wanted to shake him.

I got up, stomped my way in the front of his desk.

"What is wrong with you!?"

Standing right in front of him, he still wouldn't look at me! His head was turned toward the window. Was he avoiding looking at me!

"You won't even look at me! You let yourself take the blame for those bullies even though you were the ones trying to protect the freshman in that bathroom! You don't care that you could possibly be getting kicked out of school! You are in classes with me, the hardest classes offered at this stupid school and you let everyone think you're dumb!"

I was breathing hard and sometime during that tirade I had grabbed the sides of the desk Gabriel was sitting it, which caused me to be very close to him so when he finally turned to look at me, I was startled out of my anger. But that didn't mean that I didn't recognize the anger building in his beautiful eyes.

"You think you've got me all figured out? You think you've got me pinned and that you know me? You have no idea about me. You come here and you try to save all these little wounded hens. All those people who surround you use to get tease, you come and they never seemed to be bothered anymore. They seem even a little more outspoken and stand up for themselves. You come here and get angry and look beautiful while doing it and you think i'm just like you, saving these freshman. But I'm not. People are scared of me for a good reason and you should be too! I let people see what they want to see!"

Gabriel chest was heaving, I don't even think he realized that he started yelling. I was stunned into silence. He had called me beautiful.

I sunk into the nearest chair. Bullied?? I had no idea she was bullied. I would have done something if I had known.

"I never knew Breedy was bullied. She never told me!"

"Of course she didn't! Then you'd go all mother hen on her and try to comfort her bullies and who wants that?"

"Its not a bad thing that Breedy and the rest of them stand up for themselves a little more now." I said with a frown. I had been to this school a short time but I felt that me and Breedy were really becoming friends.

"I never said it was, but don't think that you're going to do the same to me. That I'm going to be one of your chicks that you heal or whatever."

"I wouldn't do that to you Gabe. What I will do is give you the tough love that you seem to need."


"Yes and thats final."

All Gabriel could do was shake his head, but it was the first time I saw somewhat of a smile on his face. I thought his frown was beautiful, just an inkling of a smile was beyond gorgeous.

"Yes, mother hen."

i'll come back and reread and edit the whole story. P.s if there is every stories you guys would like me to look over and edit I would be glad to just send me a message! also follow me on tumblr : or twitter! OGDavyy :))

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