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        Breedy was right, we did share the majority of our classes together, as well as a few classes with Gabriel as well. I tried to ignore him, I really did, but he was so big and always seemed to be around. Even without trying my eyes would just be drawn to him. I told Breedy as much when she caught me staring a few times only for her to say "Yeah.. so big. So Large. Probably Everywhere. Just Imagine him in side of you." It was the first time I blushed and definitely the last time I admitted anything to Breedy.

Since I met Breedy she hadn't stop talking. All of it every bit as inappropriate as you can imagine.

"So what's your favorite sexual position? I think mine would be doggy style. But I just wish my butt was larger. Probably make the position even better. You, on the other hand, have the perfect ass for it. Not too small but not to big, just right."

Breedy was all talk and no action. Literally, no action. Breedy was as Virginal as the Virgin Mary herself. But she was nice and honest and very loud. Breedy had no qualms showing me around school and sitting with me at lunch.

Breedy continued on with talking about something indicent and At this point I had tuned Breedy out. Looking around every it looked like no body else had, which wasnt surprising. Breedy wasnt the most popular but she was so cute that it hurt and she had seemingly a large sexual appeitite and so she was the average boys' Goddess. They Fawned over her and she loved it. 

As Breedy Continued on with her Sexual Monalog I found myself, not surprisingly staring at Garbriel. He was sitting at a Few lunch tables away from ours and while he wasnt alone, he certainly wasnt with anyone. There were a few stragglers at his table none that seemed all too familiar with Gabriel. He kept his head down over his lunch tray slowly eating his food.

All of a sudden there was a gaggle of smaller younger boys, really7 skinny with huge backpacks all running towards Gabriel and when they made it to his table they all crowded around him and looked as if they were trying to tuck themselfs underneath him, like a baby chick would to its mother. Behind them was A bigger boy, not as big as Gabriel was of course, but obvioulsy muscular, a jock maybe, chasing after them with an evil smirk on his face but he stopped short when he seen who the boys were sitting with. Gabriel had barely glanced in the boys direction and the boy was running off and then me and Gabriel made eye contact. He stared at me so intensly as his mouth slowly drew into a snarl and I couldnt fight the smile that was on mine because I had him. I had Gabriel Pinned. 

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