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Breedy flounced in like usual looking so cute and innocent.
"So, can confirm that Tyler Askino is a good kisser of both lips."
Welp, there goes the innocence.
"Oh no breedy, you didn't!"
This coming from Angel, a little hispanic boy and a recent addition to our group. He too was bullied by Ugly and Uglier, and I had stoped it. A common theme among our friend group, and how it grew larger and larger. Also, the very way I had made it to the top of Ugly and Uglier's shit list.
Angel was not yet use to Breedy's antics, which was refreshing. No one else had blinked an eye at Breedy.
"Oh goodness, No! Not that I'm against women having sexual liberties, mind you. Do what you please, with whom you please as long as it's safe and consensual. A motto of mine. I've just heard from a very reliable source."
If I had been paying attention I would have noticed a tiny girl at the end of our table get slightly redder in complexion.
But, I was too busy very, casually avoiding Gabriel. Since our last class, I'd been ignoring Gabriel and researching the project on my own. I tried to talk to the teacher about it, explain to her I was more of an independent worker, but she was not going for it.
I should say trying to ignore him. More like stared at his very large back in silent contempt. These days I learned I have a thing for large backs, and wide shoulders, which Gabriel had in spades. Not causation, just correlation is what I kept telling myself.
"Next, all we are waiting for is Breedy to determine if what they say about Gabriel is true."
Very Quickly we were finding out how alike Angel and Breedy were, a dangerous duo those to made.
Oh, definitely would love too. I sighed. No use hiding that I had a tiny crush on the giant. At least to myself. I hadn't told anyone about my brand new discoveries.

"You would love to what?"

This coming from a voice deeper and to the right of me. The voice was right next to my ear, deep and delicious. I shivered. It was Gabriel.

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