Tough Love

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Chapter 2: Silence

The silence was deafening. We, the big guy and I, had been sitting just outside the principles office waiting to be disciplined. Ugly and uglier, the boys from the altercation, we're already in the office being questioned about the incident. And other than the noise of the office phone ringing it was silent and that silence was driving me insane.
"I'm Taryn, by the way."
I couldn't stay silent any longer but apparently he could. He didn't respond, didn't look my way. Didn't even blink. It was as if he hasn't heard me.
"And your name is...."
I had said that one slightly louder and with my head tilted in his direction so that if he was deaf he would see my lips moving. Nothing still.
I sat back in my chair. Defeated. And glanced at him to see him staring into space. While I couldn't see his whole face I had a very clear view of his side profile but that was all I needed too see that this boy was scared. Panicking was to tame of a word to describe what this boy was doing; to describe the look of pure worry and anguish on his face.
I grabbed his hands. One, of which, was big enough to fit both of my fisted hands in his palms. He was rubbing his palms together in his worry.
"Hey, big guy. It's gonna be ok, alright? None of this is your fault. You were being attacked and I was defending you! There's nothing to worry about!"

That did it. That got his attention. And he turned and looked at me. It was the first time in all this action that I got to look at him. I mean really look at him. He had a low cut, almost military like. And his features were striking. A sharp nose , hard jaw, low eyebrows paired with these sharp blue eyes surrounded by the longest eyelashes I'd ever seen on a person. And his ears stuck out in the cutest way. Damn, he was handsome In the scariest way possible. And when his sharp blues connected with my dull browns ones, i inhaled a sharp breath. The fear that shown in his eyes left me stunned. The fact that a guy of his size could be scared of anything at had me stunned alone. I couldn't look away.
It was the sound of the principles door opening to the left of me that finally broke my trance.
Taking a hold of his hand, and completely ignoring dumb and dumber as they excited the office, I lead the big guy into the office.
"I got your back, big guy. With me around nothing's gonna happen to you."

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