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"No. As I said before Mr Tate. It was the Smaller boys who we're picking on my big friend here. If anything thing he showed great constraint, ya know, until the boys turned their attention on me! Then he only acted on my behalf! I'm sure had I not stumbled onto the altercation he would have not reacted as he had. Right? Come on say something! "

At this point I was beyond exasperated. This would be my fifth time explaining to the principle that it wasn't Big Guys fault that we sat here in the stuffy principles office. The whole conversation Big Guy continued to stared out the large singular window, open to relieve the stuffiness of the room- it hadn't helped much. He hadn't said a word and the principle continued to talk as if he wasn't there. To say I was annoyed would have been a great understatement.

"Miss., I understand you're new here so you don't understand how things are around here. Our little friend here is anything but a gentle giant. He's rough, a bully and he's got one more time to really mess up before he gets kicked out of yet another school. I'll let this one past simply because I Really do want to give him another chance and because you are new here you would have no reason to lie on our friend over here. But this will be the last transgression he is to have on our premises. And that is a promise."

Mr. Tate stood signaling the end of the conversation. At his movement Big Guy finally faced from the window.

"I trust that this situation has been handled," said Mr. Tate walking toward the door. "And You, little miss, will be assigned someone to walk you to and from your classes so nothing like will happen again. You are dismissed."

Standing up and exiting the room I began to get angry, and not at Mr. Tate but at the big lug who had left the office behind me!

Fist balling I swung around, I could feel my face getting flush. And I'm sure I made a sight with my hair In a big curly afro.

"What was that in there you big Lug! You should have stood up for yourself!"

He said nothing, which I was getting used to at this point but it still made me angrier.

"Ohhhh I could just wring your neck and spank your hide. If I hadn't been there those boys probably would have got you kicked outta school! I save your butt and this is the thanks I get! Not a word from you defending yourself! And I don't even know your name!"

I was breathing heavy; chest heaving as I looked at him and we just stared at one another. Me, waiting for him to say anything, and him just.... Staring!

How long we stared at each other I don't know.

"I didn't ask you to help."

"What?" I stared wide eyed. It was the first time through all this that I had heard him speak. His voice was really deep and gravely. It fit him. It was very manly, Raspy and smooth like an extremely hard and adult liquor I had tried once when my mom wasn't looking and hadn't locked her liquor cabinet. All I could do was stare, wide eyed and flabbergasted.

"I didn't ask you to help and I certainly didn't ask you to get between me and those boys. I had it handled. And my name is Gabriel by the way. Next time, don't help where your not wanted."

He stormed passed me, to go where I didn't know. Class maybe? And all I could do was watch him go.

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