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"Attention class! Today we will be starting your group assignment. I will assign the groups and give you two weeks to work on and complete the assignment. Ok?"

This was every students biggest fear. The teacher picking partners for group work. If it were up to me I would just pick Breedy and do most of the work while she talked about her favorite subject; boys.
As the teacher started calling out names I blanked out. Anyone who I got paired with would be fine, I was prepared to do the majority of the work and if I actually got a partner who helped then it would be my lucky day.

"Ugh I hope I don't get paired with Phillip. He smells like cheese. But he's kind of cute in an unexpected way don't you think. I Wonder if he's a good kisser."

At this point I was literally unphased by anything Breedy said to me. And what she said tended to go in one ear and out the other.

"Maybe I wouldn't mind getting partnered with Phillip after all.."

That's Breedy for you.

"Breedy and Tyler" the teacher all but screeched across the room.

"Wow, can't believe I can't paired with Tyler Askino," Breedy chuckled as she packed her bags to move her seat closer to Tyler. "I heard from Tina that he was most definitely a good kisser... and I'm not talking about on the lips."

Ok, I was mostly unphased by Breedy, but every now and again she pulled out a gem that really surprised me.

Breedy didn't give me a chance to respond, walking to sit near her new partner.

My eyes followed her across the room and from there wandered until they landed on Gabriel sitting in the corner of the class room by his self. Me and Gabriel had reached a silent agreement to stay out of each other's way. His comment about being a mother hen had really bothered me and I didn't want to really analyze why it had so instead I completely ignored Gabriel. Or ignored a guy as much as you can when you share several classes with him.

"Taryn and Gabriel." Another screech from
Our teacher, so high pitched that I wasn't sure what she said. She couldn't have said what I think she just said.

Looking back over to Gabriel to see him looking back at me with a severe frown on his face only confirmed my worst suspicions.

And it seems ignoring him had just became a lot more difficult.

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