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I turned away from looking at the space where Gabriel once stood to see behind me stood a little pixy looking girl. She barely reached my shoulder and she was so tiny and frail looking.

Coming from around the corner of the principles office to stand right before me, with her wide eyes and her hair cut similar to that of the aforementioned fairyland creature, she had such an innocent look about her.

"There was so much sexual tension between you two, I thought you were gonna go at it right here on the floor! I could have swore you were gonna rip his shirt off and lick his muscular chest! At least, that's what I would have done. Right after sucking his tongue right off his tongue."

WELL... So much for her being innocent. The words coming out off her mouth were such a contradiction to how innocent she indeed did look. I was stunned into speechlessness.

"What?!" I said. I couldn't believe what she was saying and to someone she had never met before.

"Has no one ever told you you look hot as hell when you're mad? Because you totally do! I wish I did but I just turn as red as a tomato."

That statement was followed by such a cute pout of her fairy face but She was stating this so matter-of-factly and I didn't know how to reply to any of that other than to ask her who she was.
"Oh I'm so sorry I'm Breedy! I'm going to be the one showing you to your classes. We probably have a similar schedule if I'm showing you around. By the way, if you were to go after Gabriel he's not a bad choice. He's actually one of the hottest guys in school but he's just so big and scary that a lot of girls stay away. But I bet the sex would be great! Come on follow me! It's almost lunch time."

And I did follow her because I was slightly too shocked to do anything else. It took a lot to render me speechless and Breedy had indeed accomplished that. I blamed it on my defenses being down after the show down with Gabriel. But After all was said done and after thinking back on my interaction with Gabriel, I could do nothing but agree with Breedy as I followed her out the office; I bet the sex would be great.

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