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To give context advanced warfare introduced the exo suits which allows soldiers to double jump and get things done more efficiently. The exo suits are used in the zombies game mode and the players can get it however at later rounds zombies will as well. It follows the same formula as black ops zombies. Kill certain amount of zombies it goes to the next wave zombies get stronger and faster. We are given 4 survivors. Oz, Lilith, decker, and Kahn. Instead of just a power switch to activate everything there are generator like things in areas around the map but there also small ATM systems that will give players extra points. Wall weapons can be found around the map and you can find exos version of the mystery box now called the 3D printer. The take the place of perks there are exo upgrades. There are also zombie dogs that aren't exactly like hellhounds but do take
Their place as hellhounds. However the zombie dogs do introduce the infection system. If you are hit by the dogs you become infected and have a certain amount of time to get to a pad in the map that will cure you, if you don't get to it in time you will die. There are also care packages that will drop that will give mobile traps, turrets and extra points. Exos also has its version of pack a punch now called the upgrade station and makes it 2500 points to upgrade your weapon. It also lets us upgrade our weapons more than once you can upgrade your weapon 20 times but if you complete the Easter egg you can upgrade 25 times. The exo upgrades are exo soldier which cost 1750 points and works like deadshot, exo slam which cost 2000 points and when you jump attack you slam into the ground, exo medic which cost 500 in solos and 1500 in multiplayer works like quick revive, exo health which cost 2500 points and works like juggernog, and exo reload which cost 2000 points and works like speed cola. Outbreak also introduces electric zombies when you get hit by them your exo suit has to reboot. The map also has power ups similar to bo zombies like a nuke, insta kill, double points and max ammo.The Easter egg story ends with the 4 survivors getting overwhelmed by the zombies however an atlas air craft saves them and takes them to a place called burger town. Which is where the next map takes place called infection.

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