Zetsubou takes place in a very dark swamp like island primis ends up after killing a bunch of Japanese soldier's and escaping off the boat that explodes. The map introduces the swim mechanic as long as the zip line mechanic, cut webs that cover doors, perks and gumball machines. Speaking of webs the map introduces the spiders that you take the place of dog rounds. There is also a giant spider that you can fight and actually gives lore on how widows wine is made. There is also thrashers zombies that are taken over by vines and growth that are hard to kill. If you downed they will grab you and run off which the other players have to kill because if they don't you will be perma killed for the round. There is also these seeds you can get and plant around the map and you can use the water bucket (which is required to turn in power) to water the seeds and at some point they will act like the pods from shadows however they also have an ability that puts a cloned version of the player in the spot which when you bleed out you will take that clones spot and will have your points, weapons and perks back. The new wonder weapon for the map is the KT-4 which you have to build then you can get in the mystery box after you build it. The KT-4 can be upgraded but not by using the pack machine. It is then called the masamune which makes it much stronger. The specialist weapon of the map is called the skull of nan sapwe which looks like the skull of a keeper. This can be obtained by grabbing a skull from an alter and going to smaller alters. You have to do this with four skulls that have symbols that Much four small alters around the map. You can also get a golden bucket in the map. By doing the Easter egg primis takeo and ultimus takeo have a chat which leads to ultimus takeo revealing to primis takeo that the emperor banished him there and that takeo who has been loyal to something that doesn't actually exist. It ends with ultimus takeo committing seppuku which is basically a form of suicide in Japan. It is then we go to the next map gorod krovi however there is something that happens between zetsobou and gorod that happens first and is quite plot relevant. The four go to mob of the dead where they go to a lab and get four blood viles which will keep them alive from being banished to the dark aether ( more will be talked about when we get to revelations). But for now it's time to talk about gorod krovi.