Chapter 2.

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We get back to the ship and the others put their weapons away and got cleaned up well Kai and I are trying to warm our hands up. Cassie comes in and bumps Jin the shoulder making him give her a dirty look right before sitting down.

"So other then that you enjoyed your visit?" Mr.Cage asker us

"The Lin Kuei shredded us" Cassie replied

"You maybe" Jin told Cassie

"I see plenty of frozen bootprints on your ass too" Jacqui told Jin

"So I'm guessing it was Jin who didn't follow the plan?" Kai questioned

"Did you even have to guess, it's always Jin" I answered

"C'mon now.... You're all winners in my book" Mr.Cage tells us. A buzz goes off from his phone. "New orders, from General Blade" he tells us as he looks at something on the computer. "Priority one, Outworlders. Here in Earthrealm?" He says questioning it

"An invasion?" Takeda asked

"Couldn't be" Jacqui says looking at Mr.Cage

"You're not afraid are you? Mister Cage?" Jin asked like an a-hole

"Outworlders I can handle" Mr.Cage replied


We landed back at the S.F. base only to find out that there's lots of people from Outworld who came here for safety. As we exited the Ship we were meant with Takedas dad, Kenshi.

"So when did they show up?" Mr.Cage asked as we're all walking to meet with General Blade.

"The portal opened up by the docks a few hours ago. Nearly five-thousand in all. Refugees- from the Outworld Civil War" Kenshi tells Mr.Cage

"Must be bad if they risked coming to Erathrealm" Cage said

"After you" Kenshi tells us so he could talk to his son. We walk into a tent with lots of computer and a women sitting at a table, who is from Outworld and is ready to talk about what is happening. As we all walk over I see Radin and General Blade aka Sonya.

"Thanks Kenshi, could you and Mister Cage join us?" Sonya thanks Kenshi and tells her lover and her daughter to come over, well ex lover I think.

"Sergeant Cage, you and your team as you were" she tells Cassie as she comes and joins the rest of us who are a little more away from the table.

"This is Li Mai, she seeks asylum for her people in Earthrealm" Radin says

"Our village, Sun Do, was the epicenter of a fierce battle. We barely escaped with our lives" Li Mai tells us.

"Such is war" Mr.Cage says as everyone looks at him. "I mean, no offense but.... You Outworlders kinda live for that, right?" He asked as he looks at her and then Kai and I.

"This was different. The rebels Mileena had a weapon unlike anything.... Entire battalions erased" Li said. "It was not honorable. Not Kombat" she finished. Kai and I shared a look of worried.

"Tell me more about the weapon" Radin asked her

"A talisman, gold with a center jewel, Mileena wields it's crimsons energy without precision" Li says

"Well that's good then-" Cassie adds

"Not now. Sergeant Cage" Sonya tells her

"It is enough that she possess it, it turns the tides in her favor. The emperor grows desperate. And those caught in the middle.... pay the price" Li says

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