Chapter 6.

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After making it out of the jungle, we then made our way to find where the others could be kept and that was gonna be no easy job. But who doesn't love an adventure?

"Kota see those two?" Kai say pointing to two of the guards that where with Kotal as we look on from a rooftop.

"Think they'll know?" I ask

"Nope..... but why would they been here in the town if Kotal and everyone else are heading back to the fortress?" He says

"Meaning if anyone knows where they are it should be them. Let's do this fast" I say

"Got any ideas?" Kai asked looking at me

"Yeah I do, I'll grab something off of them I'll lead them to that alleyway. You'll get there before me and when I get them there" I say

"We'll get our answer?" Kai finished my sentence.

"Exactly, now you get over there, I'll get the guards" I say before dropping down from the rooftop into an alleyway waking out of it. "Now time to get them" I say walking through the crowned. I grab a scarf off of one of the people sealing them with out them knowing. I put it over my head like a hood. After making my way closer to them I blend in so they wouldn't see me come up.

"Move" one of them say pushing through people.

"Now" I say to myself quietly. I move to the guards and take some keys off them and I grab them pretty rough just so they know someone is taking them.

"Hey!" The other one yells as I run away pushing through people to the alleyway. They quickly follow until they think they trapped me.

"By trying to steal from the khans, you will face death" one of them says

"Oh? I don't think so" I say Turing around pulling my hood-scarf covering down.

"It's Dakota. Go get the Kahn" one of them says

"You're not going anywhere" Kai say appearing from behind them. Both of them try looking for their weapons but realizes they don't have them.

"Looking for something?" I ask holding their weapons

"You two are gonna tell us where our friends are or else" Kai say

"Or else wha-" one of the guards said before being cut off with my lasso around their neck pulling him to the ground.

"Speak. And maybe you'll live" I tell one of them.

The guards where right about where the others were. At the docks in a boat. We let them live but they went back without those keys or should I say key because one of them will unlock the sell's they're in. We get onto the ship and see two guard's walking down into the bottom of the ship with food and we knows it's not there food. We sneak over where we're standing on top of the entrance.

"Ready?" Kai ask

"Yup, leave this to me" I say and he nods

"Away from the bars" we hear one guards say. He walks and gives everyone there food and stops at Takedas sell giving me time. I step down quietly and whip my lasso around the guards neck and making him hit is head on the sell door.

"What!" Cassie said

"Who did- " Jin say before I come to unlock to door.

"Dakota! You have your lasso? But when did you?" Takeda asked

"Kotal gave it to me, he's gonna wish he didn't" I say unlocking all the sells. "Kai's upstairs let's move" I say as they all follow and we get there stuff before making it up top. When we get up there Kai is keep

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