Chapter 4.

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After the whole "mess" that happened, Kotal took us to the Khan's Castle. He had it rebuilt after the death of ummmm you know who. When getting there Cassie checks in with General Blade updating her on our mission. We decided to stay in the front of the castle before going in.

"So what's our next move?" Jacqui asked

"I guess we wait here until Kotal is ready for whatever" Cassie tells us

"So this is what the Khan's get to stay in?" Kai asked looking around like a little kid that just say a toy they want.

"This is your first time being here?" Takeda asked looking at him

"It's your guy's first time being here too" Kai says

"I thought it'd be more dark and death like" Jacqui questioned

"I thought it would be full of royalty stuff" Cassie said too. Watching all of them look around makes me laugh a little.

"I wonder if this place has a big dining hall" Takeda asked before looking at me. "Kota didn't you....." Takeda said trying to find the right words.

"Grow up here?" I finished

"Yeah..." he said feeling a little bad

"You don't have to feel bad about asking me, I know you're not saying it trying to be rude...... unlike some people" I say bumping Takeda while looking at Jin

"I will say even tho I hated it here for a long time, this view was always my favorite to look at" I say looking at beautiful view from the place where standing.

"Wait has nothing changed here?" Jacqui asked

"Kota did say it was rebuilt" Cassie answered

"Well..... yes and no. The castle and stuff are all the same the only thing that changed was the decoration" I tell them

"So you still have lots of memories from this place?" Kai asked me making everyone look at me

"I mean yeah, I still remember a lot of my childhood" I tell them

"If it's fine with you, can you tell us?" Takeda says. "As a teammate, we wanna get to know you more" he tells me

"Mmm okay" I tell them as we all sit down. "Where do you want me to begin?" I asked them

"Give is a quick rundown of everything and then start from when the Mortal Kombat tournaments started" Jin told us

"Okay, so it all started when my father King Jerrod, my mother Queen Sindel, King and Queen of Edenia, had another child aka me Dakota. From what Kitana told me when we were kids, she was over the moon knowing she had a little brother. Then Edenia was invaded and distorted...... my father killed by Shoa Khan, he wanted my mother but my mother would not go unless Kitana and I went with, and while there mother ended up taking her own life leaving me and Kitana on our own......"

                                 (Flashback MK9)

I was sitting down on my bed looking out the window taking in the beautiful view. Good thing my room is at the top of the castle.... well almost. I thought to myself before being cut off by a knock at the door.

"Enter" I tell whoever it is only to see it's my sister. "Kitana!" I said

"Hi Dakota" she says entering my room. "Looking at the view again I see" she says with a smile

"It's so beautiful, it's not raining today so I thought maybe I would fine Jade, maybe all of us could go see those flowers again"I said turning back to the window as my sister sits next to me.

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